Mikmaq Festival | 週刊ELMO~Love Letter from CANADA~

週刊ELMO~Love Letter from CANADA~


Beautiful annual festival to celebrate Mikmaq culture.
Mikmaq are indigenous to Canada's Atlantic Provinces.
There are about 65.000 Mikmaq population in Canada.

Girl's Butterfly dance, most graceful and most powerful dance.

Mikmaq in their traditional costumes.

Men dance to honor the spirit of their family members who already passed away.

It is very strong, very emotional dance.
The dancers are in a trance when they are performing.
If you want to honor the spirit of your ancestors you must offer tobacco to a person who plays the drums.

Another colorful costume.

I bought a dreamcatcher.
In Native American culture it is believed this dreamcatcher would filter out all bad dreams abd only allow good thoughts enter our mind.
Once the sun rises, all bad dreams just disappear.
I often have nightmares, so I hope this will help me .
I was told it will work but you have to believe in it.


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