A man in a uniform... | 週刊ELMO~Love Letter from CANADA~

週刊ELMO~Love Letter from CANADA~


Why do women love men in uniform?

Why do I love man in a uniform? There are few reasons, very simple reasons:

1.A man in a uniform knows how to look after himself. I don't want to be my guy's mother, friend-yes, lover-yes, partner-yes, but never ever his mother !

2.A man in a uniform knows how to bathe, shave, and dress himself and I am not saying the rest of you don't.

3.A uniform is flattering to the male figure. How pleasing it is to meet a guy wearing clothes that fit him.

4.Man in a uniform looks confident, dependable, reliable and YES SEXY!

If you still have doubts about men in uniform, check out the pictures below. I am holding winning cards and allow me to show you evidence.

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ビションフリーゼ "ELMO" もこもこへの道

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