Elmo's hiding place | 週刊ELMO~Love Letter from CANADA~

週刊ELMO~Love Letter from CANADA~


It's late in the evening, she's wondering what clothes to wear

She puts on her make up and brushes her long curly hair

And then she asks me "Do I look alright? "

But I don't say anything because....because.....because I am Hiding

ビションフリーゼ "ELMO" もこもこへの道

I hate when she goes out without me

I hate when I have to stay and wait at home

But she can find my hiding place very quickly

She picks me up and says "Gomenne, Elmo, Wait, I will try to come back early"

And just before she goes out the door

I think "Yes, mama, you look wonderful tonight !"

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