
A Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine Book Club Pick&quotA hands-on, real talk guide for navigating the hot-button issues that so many families struggle with.&quot (Reese Witherspoon)Tired, stressed, and in need of more help from your partner? Imagine running your household (and life!) in a new way....It started with the Sh*t I Do List. Tired of being the &quotshefault&quot parent responsible for all aspects of her busy household, Eve Rodsky counted up all the unpaid, invisible work she was doing for her family - and then sent that list to her husband, asking for things to change. His response was...underwhelming. Rodsky realized that simply identifying the issue of unequal labor on the home front wasn't enough: She needed a solution to this universal problem. Her sanity, identity, career, and marriage depended on it.The result is Fair Play: a time- and anxiety-saving system that offers couples a completely new way to divvy up chores and responsibilities. Rodsky interviewed more than "