Lately, I have been thinking too much.

I don't like that I do this.

When I think too much, I confuse myself.

Then I don't understand anything.

I do not like Katy Perry....むっ

But I like this song....にひひ

Katy says "It's a song about a girl who falls in love with a foreigner." キスマーク 得意げ

I want to do the same thing. That's my adventure. ラブラブ!

Yesterday, I ate dinner with my friend Amanda~


When I ordered my water... it came with lemons. They were angry! www


Then... I had pineapple juice and sake~


Then... I... had some more! wwww


TODAY... I went to a baseball game with my dad!! ニコニコ


It was my first baseball game ever!


and... I found a giant baseball... www

