







という方も多数いらっしゃいましたが       そう!実は七草は春だけではないんです。




オミナエシ 【女郎花】、、、「美人」「約束を守る」「親切」「儚い恋」

・ハギ 【萩 】、、、 「思案」「内気」「想い」「柔軟な精神」「前向きな恋」

・オバナ 【尾花】、、、「勢力」「生命力」「活力」「隠退」、「心が通じる」「悔いなき青春」

・クズ 【葛】、、、「努力」「治癒」「根気」「活力」「芯の強さ」

・ナデシコ 【撫子】、、、「純愛」「無邪気」

・フジバカマ  【藤袴】、、、「優しい思い出」「ためらい」

・キキョウ 【桔梗】、、、「永遠の愛」「誠実」「気品」「変わらぬ愛」

秋の七草さん達の花言葉もどの花々にも、     儚き美しい花言葉が沢山込められていて      遂手に取りたくなるお花さんばかり・:*+.

是非秋の七草花さん達を飾って          季節や暮らしそのものを丁寧に味わって、     彩って、楽しみましょう!

September from yesterday.

A new month has begun.

The season is early, and this year is finally left

It's been a little over 3 months.

The season that goes to winter from this time,

Since the night time is getting longer,

It is called a long moon or a long autumn night.

Speaking of September, did you know that there are "seven herbs in autumn"? What? Isn't spring the only one in Nanakusa?

There were many people who said that, but yes! In fact, spring is not the only one in Nanakusa.

The seven herbs in autumn are slightly different from the seven grasses in spring, and the plants that are appreciated without eating are the seven grasses.

The plants of the seven herbs to admire are often not well known, so it is quite a wonderful life to decorate the seven plants and flowers and enjoy the autumn of art.

■Introducing the seven herbs and flower language of autumn

・Ominaeshi [Girl Flower],, "Beauty", "Keeping Promises", "Kindness", "Ephemeral Love"

・Hagi [Hagi],,, "Thought", "Shyness", "Thoughts", "Flexible spirit", "Positive love"

・Obana [Ohana],, "Power", "Vitality", "Vitality", "Retreat", "Heart Communication", "Youth without regrets"

・Scum [Kuzu],, "Effort", "Healing", "Perseverance", "Vitality", "Core Strength"

・Nadeshiko [Nadeshiko],, "Pure love" "Innocent"

・ [Fujihakama],,,"Gentle memories" and "Hesitation"

・Kikyo [Kikyo],, "Eternal love", "Sincerity", "Eleganty", "Unchanging love"

The flower language of the seven grasses in autumn and all the flowers contain a lot of ephemeral and beautiful flower language, and there are only flowers that you want to pick up.:*+.

Please decorate the autumn seven plants and flowers, carefully taste the seasons and life itself, and enjoy it.