A quiz for Terry fans - Day 3 | 愛を込めてエジンバラから


From Edinburgh with love -
The writings of a lifelong fan of Terry G. Grandchester

Hi everyone! 


For the friends in Japan, you already celebrate Terry's birthday! It is already Friday the 28th of January! Happy birthday to Terry beloved!! lovelove


I will post the third instalment of the quiz for Terry's birthday. What do you think of the questions so far?


Part 5 is about Terry the actor. Are you ready to see the questions? Good luck!! Star



     Question 29: According to Nagita sensei, at what point in the story did she feel that Terry's destiny as an actor was decided?

                        a. On New Year's Eve, as Terry looks out over the dark ocean, while he                              travels back to England

                        b. When Candy sees the books of Shakespeare's plays at Granchester                              Castle

                        c. After Terry's sudden entrance into St. Paul's Chapel, and his sharp                               and rude comments to Sister Gray

                        d. At the May Festival, after Terry's waltz with Candy as Juliet


      Question 30: When did Terry get his first proposal to be an actor and from whom?                         
                        a. From a New York theater producer when Terry traveled to New York                                to see his mother
                        b. From his mother, in Terry's last summer in Scotland                         
                        c. From Candy, when they spent the summer together in Scotland
                        d. From William Shakespeare, inside Terry's dream, one night at St.            Paul's College
       Question 31:  What Shakespeare book did Terry have on Little Pony Hill 
in Scotland when he met Candy?
                       a. Romeo and Juliet
                       b. King Lear
                       c. Macbeth
                       d. Much Ado about Nothing

      Question 32: What theater company did Terry join in New York and who 
was its director?
                       a. Stratford Theater Company, Robert Hathaway
                       b. Stratford Theater Company, Robert Hawthorn
                       c. Shakespeare Theater Company, Robert Hathaway                                                
                       d. Broadway Theater Company, Richard Hawthorn

       Question 33: Terry's first newspaper review read: 
"WE DISCOVERED A GREAT NEW TALENT! A star shines on stage: 
Terence Graham!" For what role did Terry receive such a stellar review?
                      a. Romeo, in Romeo and Juliet
                      b. Macbeth, the King of Scotland, in Macbeth                       
                      c. Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, in Hamlet
                      d. The King of France, in King Lear

    Question 34: Susanna Marlowe, an actress with the Stratford Theater 
Company who develops an obsession with Terry, has a name that is closely 
associated with Shakespeare. What is the relationship?
                     a. Susanna Marlowe was the name of Shakespeare's mistress                      
                     b. Susanna was Shakespeare's mother's name and Marlowe was                   Shakespeare's best friend's last name.
                     c. Susanna was the name of Shakespeare's daughter and Marlowe 
was the surname of a famous Elizabethan playwright contemporary with 
                     d. Susanna Marlowe was the name of the leading actress 
in Shakespeare's original theater company

       Question 35: Who took Susanna's place in the premiere of Romeo and Juliet, 
to play the part of Juliet?

                       a. Karen Kreiss

                       b. Marion Kreiss

                       c. Ellen Kreiss

                       d. Cristine Kreiss





Part 6 - Drama was always in Terry's life. How well do you know it?


       Question 36: Terry's parents separated when he was very young. While Terry 

was growing up in Granchester and living with her father and obnoxious stepmother, Eleanor Baker, she was pursuing an acting career in America. Terry loved and hated his mother at the same time. When mother and son reconciled in Scotland, what did Terry understand about his mother?


                         a. His mother wanted to stay with him and his father. She wanted                                    them to be a family, more than being an actress.

                         b. His mother loved Terry deeply but she had to follow her dream of                                being an actress.

                         c. His mother did not want to live a life of aristocracy, of rules and                                  etiquette followed by the nobility.

                         d. His father loved another woman and his mother had no choice but                              to leave them and move to the United States.


      Question 37:  Due to Eliza's evil machinations, the romance between Terry and Candy at St. Paul's College comes to an end. Instead of Candy being expelled from school, Terry takes her place, quits being part of the Granchester family and goes to the United States. Leaving the school, with Candy in her last thoughts, she stops and frowns, feeling the pain in her heart. What two things does he leave behind, never to return?

                     a. His surname and his school

                     b. His dreams and his happiness

                     c. His youth and his love

                     d. His father and his country


   Question 38: When Terry arrived in the United States, he visited Pony's house, as he had wanted to do one day, when he was with Candy. Unfortunately, Candy, who was following him, missed Terry's visit. Specifically, which two trees did Terry go to see when he was at Pony's house?

                    a. The tall walnut tree and the willow tree where Candy used to sit and                              play with her friends

                    b. The old hawthorn and the cherry tree where Candy liked to pick                                  cherries

                    c. The tall pine that Candy loved to climb and the pear tree

                    d. The old oak Candy used to climb and the apple tree where Candy                                learned to throw the lasso


    Question 39: The relationship between Terry and Candy deepens when they both meet in the United States, he building his career as an up-and-coming Broadway star and Candy beginning her career as a nurse in Chicago. Unfortunately, the course of love does not run normally. What was the play in which Terry had an acting role when the company came to Chicago? And why did not Candy and Terry meet each other?


                    a. The play was Hamlet and they didn't meet because Eliza stopped                                  Candy's entrance to the theatre

                    b. The play was King Lear and they did not meet because Susana sent                              Candy away when she visited the hotel

                    c. The play was Macbeth and they didn't meet because Susanna lied                                saying she hadn't seen Terry

                    d. The play was Romeo and Juliet and they didn't meet because Candy                           couldn't leave the night shift at the hospital


    Question 40: There are rumors in the magazines about Terry and Susanna, hinting that there is a relationship between them. Candy doesn't believe them, of course. She knows where Terry's heart is. But Susanna's obsession with Terry has a final act. What hospital is Susanna in, after pushing Terry away to protect him from a falling stage light?

                      a. New York Salvation Hospital

                      b. St. Jacob's Hospital

                      c. St. Joseph's Hospital

                      d. St. Joanna's Hospital


   Question 41: Knowing that they would never be happy leaving Susanna, Candy makes the decision to leave Terry with Susanna. In one last hug, Terry holds Candy in his arms from behind. The heat from which part of Terry's body continues to beat inside Candy?

                    a. The warmth of Terry's chest on Candy's back

                    b. The warmth of Terry's hands on Candy's belly

                    c. The warmth of Terry's lips on Candy's neck

                    d. The warmth of Terry's thighs on Candy's legs


   Question 42: The story between Terry and Candy in the original manga is based on a theme that for Nagita is one of her unchanging themes when she writes stories. What is that topic? 

                    a. Love conquers all

                    b. Obsession and love are two different feelings

                    c. You must follow your dreams above all

                    d. Although love is deep, sometimes it does not bear fruit... sometimes,                            you have to break up.