My journey in the Candy world | 愛を込めてエジンバラから


From Edinburgh with love -
The writings of a lifelong fan of Terry G. Grandchester

Hello again! 


We are in the month of January! The month of Terry's birthday! ラブ


I would like to write a few posts about Terry and perhaps post a fanfic I wrote last January for his birthday. But before I do that, I would like to finish the posts where I tell you about my journey in the Candy world. 


The journey of a non-Japanese Candy-Candy fan. 


When the Final Story news arrived in Europe, and the news about Susanna's death and Terry's letter were known, I remember this very clearly. 


The shock was so big! I felt my heart squeezed! Did those news mean that Candy and Terry found each other at last? びっくり


It was not as straight-forward. We learn that Final Story is narrated by an older Candy. Candy was our age. She must be 38 years old, just before WWII and she lives in a place next to a river Avon but the man she shares her life with is not named. His name is Anohito which in Japanese, means "this person". キョロキョロ


A journey of gathering clues start. I am sure that the same journey was taken on by Candy fans all over the world. I remember it was the first time, I start looking for Japanese blogs, trying to read what the Japanese fans are writing. You had the book available. We only had excerpts of it. 


2012 - The Italian edition of the Final Story is published and the first English translation is produced. 


2019 - The French edition of the Final story is published. Nagita sensei travels to Paris in March 2019 for the presentation of her Candy-Candy novel. ラブ


2020 - The Spanish edition of the Final story is published. It is sold out three times.


Here are my Candy-Candy Final story books. Nagita sensei has signed both my French book and my Japanese book.  Star