Yesterday I went to a konbini so I could stock on my favorite Japanese snacks おにぎり

Precure kare! リボンラブラブドキドキ

I love the packaging so much but it was rather expensive... So I let it pass.

Cute DIY food ラブラブ

It was also a pass because I didnt't have enough money to get unnecessary stuff もぐもぐ but maybe next time!!! Always wanted to try these!

Mochi really reminds me of my grandma 飛び出すハート But I kind of hate it 汗 I dont't like how it tastes!

My favorite find was these Sailor Moon sodas!!! ドキドキ宝石白

Sailor Moon is my absolute favorite manga/anime ラブラブ

Since I'm a Pisces, I got Sailor Neptune うお座波

It will serve as decoration for sure!!!キラキラ

It was my first time trying Calpis Water and I honestly love it! Wasn't expecting it tasting so similar to Yakult 笑い泣き I want more of it!!!

More food!

Manjyu, alongside mochi, were my grandma's favorites... But I like manjyu a lot better so I got some. It really makes me feel connected with her ドキドキ

I woke up feeling energetic and the konbini shopping really boosted my mood... Until, later that day, I started feeling depressed again ショボーン

Memories show their faces again.
I really missed my grandma, and the guy who left me.
I then again felt anxious thinking about stuff I used to love and traumatized me.
I fall deep inside a pitfall again. DASH!

Today I left my job earlier than usual and went to a pilates class for the first time ever!!! キラキラ

I did enjoy it a lot!!! 照れ

The instructor was very sweet and I felt really good throughout the class and after it.アップ音譜

Unfortunately, I don't think I can afford it... ショボーン

But it was nice to try either way!

I just wish I could keep attending 汗

I'm trying to stay sane until the end of the night. Its's becoming more and more difficult everyday without my medication but I'm trying to schedule an appointment at the psychiatrist ASAP now that I have a healthcare plan.

At the same time I don't wanna be here anymore... I also really want to survive 泣くうさぎ

I really want to get better, get married and have kids someday ショボーン it's just really hard...

がんばってくださいね! 泣くうさぎ