日本・日本人の好きなところ | eikaiwaNOW・英会話なう


〜シアトル出身 "PD"の英会話BLOG〜

Top 5 - Things I Love About Japan and Japanese People

eikaiwaNOW - 日本・日本人の好きなところ

1) 日本は安全 : Safety - Japan is by far the safest country I have ever visited or lived in.

例 : I am originally from the United States (Seattle) but have traveled all throughout North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and have even traveled to Egypt (Over 20 countries total). Unlike many other countries, I feel safe when I am in Japan walking around the streets, even in the middle of the night. I'm not worried about being harmed or being robbed. In fact, Japan is so safe that I see many people fall asleep on the train or other public places without any concern. In other parts of the world, if you did this, you would probably wake up with your pockets empty or even worse.

2) 日本人はモラルがある : Honesty and Strong Moral Compass - Japanese people do the right thing

例 : I've lived in Japan for many years now and I've lost my wallet or phone several times, and more often than not, my phone and wallet have been returned to me. In other countries, when you lose your wallet or phone, there is a 1% chance that you will get it back. On the other hand, when Japanese people find a lost item they do the right thing and try to find the person who lost the item or give it to the police station for it to be returned. Furthermore, I've also noticed that Japanese people are comfortable to leave their phone or bag at the table of a restaurant / cafe when they go to the bathroom. In other parts of the world, if you did this, you would come back with your phone or bag missing.

3) 日本人は勤労精神がある : Work Ethic - Japanese people work hard and deliver quality service / products

例 : I've worked in the IT and Finance industry for over 10 years, managing teams not only in Japan, but also in the United States, Asia Pacific and Europe. In my professional career, I've found that Japanese people are the hardest workers and deliver the best quality service / product as possible. Japanese people are willing to work long hours in order to get the job completed correctly and at the highest level. In other parts of the world, people are more focused on finishing at 17:00 everyday than actually finishing their work and doing it correctly.

4) 日本人は優しい: Kindness - Japanese people are quick to offer help

例 : I still remember when I first came to Japan and how often I would get lost. (This is when we only had flip phones and couldn't rely on Google Maps on our smartphone of today). Even though I could not speak Japanese, Japanese people were so kind to give me directions despite the language barrier and even in some cases going out of their way to walk me all the way to my destination. In other parts of the world, people would have just ignored me. This is just one of the many kind experiences I've had with Japanese people while living in Japan.

5) 寿司 : Sushi - Often replicated but never duplicated

例 : Funny enough, one of the reasons I came to Japan is because I love sushi. After coming to Japan, I soon realized that Sushi in Japan taste so much better than in the United States. I asked myself, why does sushi taste so much better in Japan? In fact, why does a lot of the food taste better in Japan? The answer I came to is that restaurants in Japan focus and take pride in the quality of their ingredients. Furthermore, restaurants pay attention to the details during preparation of the meal as well as when serving the meal. This attention to detail makes all the difference and is why food taste better in Japan.

Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

Have a great day.