本ようこそ!【キーナンの英語でトリビア!】へ へぇー






Who Cares About The Oceans! Prelude

  Back when I was a kid and mature enough to have pets, I would be the kind of kid who loved fish tanks. I have always been fascinated by this unique fluid world, and I would every so often dream about what it would be like to live in such a world. When I got my first marine animal, it was a gold fish. As time moved on, I bought bigger sized fish tanks and have had different kinds of fish. I eventually moved on to owning a saltwater tank, which is a hundred times more difficult than a freshwater tank. To maintain a saltwater tank, it takes an enormous amount of determination. It also takes the right equipment; like pumps, heaters, filters, pH indicators, sea salt, and lots of purified water, and it also takes an understanding of marine ecosystems. The most important thing that learned from owning a saltwater aquarium is that it is extremely sensitive. If it gets to warm by a couple of degrees centigrade, everything dies. It if gets to cold by a couple of degrees centigrade, then things start to die. If it is too salty, things die. If there is not enough salt, things start to die. Overall, owning a saltwater tank has helped me to open my eyes to better understand the beautiful and yet delicate oceans that cover this planet.