いま流行りのChatGPTに頼んで、graded readerを作ってもらいました(総語数は530語)。Flesch Kincaid Grade levelは1.1なので、英語圏の小学1年生が読むようなやさしい英文です。3000語の語彙力がある日本の高校生なら、スラスラ読めるはずです。



My Day at the Park
Today is Saturday. The sun is shining, and the sky is blue. I decide to go to the park. I like the park because it is big and green. I can walk, play, and see many things there.

I leave my house at 9 AM. I walk to the park. It is close to my home, only ten minutes on foot. I see many people on the way. They smile and say, "Good morning!"

When I arrive at the park, I see children playing. They run and laugh. Some children are playing soccer. The ball is big and round. Other children are on the swings. They go up and down, up and down. It looks fun!

I walk to a bench and sit down. I see a small pond. Ducks swim in the water. They are white and yellow. One duck comes close to me. It looks at me. I think it is hungry. I have some bread in my bag. I give a piece to the duck. It eats and quacks. I smile.

Next, I see a woman with a dog. The dog is brown and small. It runs and jumps. The woman throws a ball. The dog runs fast and brings the ball back. The woman is happy. She pets the dog and says, "Good boy!"

I walk around the park. I see flowers. They are red, yellow, and pink. They smell nice. I take a deep breath. I feel good and calm.

There is a small cafe in the park. I go there and buy an ice cream. It is cold and sweet. I sit at a table and eat my ice cream. I see more people. Some people are jogging. They wear sports clothes and look strong. Other people are reading books. They sit on blankets on the grass.



After my ice cream, I decide to play a game. I see a group of people playing badminton. They have rackets and a shuttlecock. I ask if I can play too. They say, "Yes, of course!" We play for an hour. It is fun. I hit the shuttlecock many times. Sometimes I miss, but I laugh and try again.

It is now noon. The sun is high in the sky. I feel warm and a little tired. I sit under a big tree. The tree gives me shade. I close my eyes and rest for a while. I hear birds singing. Their songs are beautiful.

At 1 PM, I decide to go home. I walk back the same way. I see a bakery. The smell of fresh bread is in the air. I buy a loaf of bread to take home. It is soft and warm.

When I get home, I feel happy. I had a great day at the park. I saw many things, played games, and met new people. I like Saturdays because I can relax and have fun.

I will go to the park again next week. Maybe I will bring a friend. We can have a picnic and play more games. The park is a nice place to be.

Thank you for reading about my day. I hope you have a great day too!