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先月にアップされた教材ですが、BreakingNewsEnglishの「U.S. to encourage use of face masks」というPDFを使って、今晩オンラインレッスンを受ける予定です。その準備を今やっているところですが。


STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
a) What do you think about what you read?


b) Should we give all masks to hospitals?
As mentioned above, COVID-19 patients should wear face masks. People with a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19 may live in nursing homes, care facilities, or private homes. If all masks are given to hospitals, those people cannot wear face masks.


c) When someone wears a mask, do you stay away from them?
All people should practice social distancing, which means that you have to keep a six-foot distance from others regardless of whether they wear masks or not.


d) What would you use in a homemade mask?
I have some face masks at home and don't have to make cloth masks myself. If necessary, I would use a scarf.


e) What has your country's leader said about masks?
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that each househould would receive two cloth masks. Their distribution has been delayed because they were found to be contaminated with stains, bugs, or hair.


f) Should you be washing your hands more often?
Yes, we should. Actually, washing my hands becomes a kind of ritual. Whenever I use a bathroom at a supermarket or a convenience store, I carefully wash my hands with soup and running water.


g) How important is keeping your distance from people?
Keeping a six-foot distance from others is more important than wearing masks. Commercially available masks at convenience stores are not designed to provide good protection from viruses.


h) What questions would you like to ask coronavirus experts?
I have no questions to ask. Reliable information is available at the WHO, CDC, and other public health websites. In addition, medical journal websites allow ordinary people to download important medical research papers for free.