Create our own album covers for "1989 Taylor's Version"CD:








Well, I've watched all the lyrics videos of "1989 Taylor's Version" open to the public on her official YouYube Channel.  





Many of them are awesome and breathtaking, but "Out Of The Woods (Taylor's Version)" is especially my favorite 霧 満月 



メモ Posted on Sep. 27:









宝石緑 July 09, 2018:



宝石緑 June 29, 2017: 





Kimono Forest in Arashiyama, Kyoto 霧






Are we out of the woods yet?









Oh, I remember... 








Dragon pattern in different colors 龍








We were in screaming color...









メモ Posted on Oct. 29: 









I wrote about the eggs benedicts in the blog post below ヒヨコ 




宝石ブルー Oct. 24, 2018:



To be continued... 本





FYI CD Track. 5 of "1989 Taylor's Version":







クリップ Official Youtube Channel of hers:



宝石ブルー Nov. 6: