NEW Final Update on Dec. 10; I added a new photo of a pasta パスタ 




宝石緑 Posted on Oct. 25:





Beautiful green-colored pasta offered by Tully's Coffee グリーンハート







カメラ Jul. 2017.



They offer a drink set, and Yogurt & Acai can be chosen for an extra yen 宝石紫 



The one on the photo was served in their 20th anniversary container クラッカー 



宝石緑 July 31, 2017:




宝石緑 August 17, 2017:







カメラ Jan. 2018. 



If I recall correctly, I ate this pasta at one of their Akasaka locations, Tokyo コーヒー 


The iced matcha drink was a seasonal item ダルマ鏡餅 Tully's Coffee has matcha drinks on their regular menu, but this one was a bit different. 



宝石緑 January 02, 2018:



I mentioned it on the past blog post above; It was "Iced Crushed Caramel Matcha Latte" served with whipped cream and caramel chips.






カメラ Mar. 2019.



This one was at their shop located near Kyoto Station 新幹線 It was not a Kyoto-limited menu or something, though.




That year, I visited Kyoto on my birthday, March 10 バースデーケーキ



宝石緑 Written about the trip on March 14, 2019:





カメラ Jul. 2019







Next, Tully's risottos, which are less familiar than their pastas.




Beautiful green again. This time, their risotto グリーンハーツ





宝石緑 Posted on Nov. 11:





Another one スプーンフォーク  




I forget what it tasted like... 



I don't always take pictures of what I eat at the coffee shops, but I think I've tried their risottos only a few times, while I've eaten their pastas a lot of times in my life パスタ There're only several photos left, though カメラ