"To win without risk is to Triumph without glory"まじかるクラウン




It's already the middle of March and spring has come 桜 桜餅 お団子





Well, finally ... I bought Triumph's Cherry Blossom underwears. They're so beautiful, right?

I've always wanted to get this kind of Sakura lingerie, so I was very happy to find these.





ビキニThe series is called "恋するブラ," or "Loving Bra." ラブラブ The item itself comes in two colors: Pink and Blue.



Well, you know what? If there are pink and blue underclothes, I usually choose blue ones because I like the color blue than the color pink. But I love Cherry Blossom's pink, you know.桜 And the design is really really my taste. They did a great job. I hope they produce purple items sometime. I like purple the best, you know.宝石紫





Well, to tell the truth, I got the series at a discount. But I think it's worth the original high price ... its quality is worth its price. I don't wear expensive underwears like these when I go to work, haha. Instead, I put on these kinds on special occations.

桜I recommend their Sakura underwears to both men and women. Well, it's a bit different meaning from being beautiful inside and out, but some say women should get new underwears sometimes and wear newly-made ones to get a break, not just to make your man happy, you know.
If you're a man and has been married, how about giving them to your wife? I guess some feel they're too pretty to wear for her age, but she'll be glad, I think. Marriages seem so hard to sustain ...指輪 Love doesn't last forever, maybe. But I wanna believe in "Happily ever after." When I was much younger, say, 20 years old or so, I wished "if only he were a single!" "He must be the one because I've never fallen in love with someone like this," or something like that. As I grew older, I learned a lot. Now I wish other people lasting love and happiness. And I believe I deserve to be happy, too.結婚指輪


I'd say some of you might see how I look when I wear these, but I won't add pictures like that here, haha. Mine is just for someone special in my life. Besides, my breasts got smaller, unfortunatelly, as I lost weight in a few months because of flu, stress and so on. I was proud of my large breasts, so I was very shocked, actually. I hope my breasts grow again ... so I've been trying to have milk products that may make my breasts bigger.




Haha, I enjoyed big ice cream while writing this blog post ... It's my favorite Haagen-Dazs Rum Raisin. It's a little treat to myself, too. This one is bigger than its usual one; Haagen-Dazs " Rum Raisin." They seem to call its size "Pint." Also, the flavor has a smaller one as well.


They've been offering a lot of flavors including seasonal ones, but I like this regular flavor the best. My refrigerator always has some ice cream, to be honest. I hope ice cream works a lot.  




Joking aside, I thought Triumph was one of the brands offered by Wacoal. I came to know they're different, and Triumph is a company's name just as Wacoal is. I apologize. I think both are great.ビキニ




The left ones are Triumph's floral products while the right are Wacol's.



Wacol has various brands, and these ones are produced by one of them called "Lesiage"



They're inspired by Hydrangea.


日本 To be honest, I wondered if I should buy them at first because here in Japan, Hydrangea has bad meanings in general,  I mean, its language of flower. Did you know that?


Each color has different meanings like other flowers, and pink ones mean "cheerful women," as they say, and pink ones represent Wachol's Hydrangea underclothes. On the other hand, generally speaking, all colors of hydrangeas are said to have flower meanings such as cheating, fickle, capricious etc... Blue ones have a meaning "patient love" or "enduring love" as well. Some say that's because hydrangeas themselves change colors as seasons change while others say it comes from a sad love story and the history.あじさい


And Hydrangeas are flowers which Japanese people see during rainy season, so I thought they were too early and not seasonal. In the end, I decided to get them since I like the color purple, you know, and there are not so many purple underwears, I'd say. Also, their light sky blue or emerald green goes well with their elegant purple. Above all, flowers are shining and so beautiful. The design is refined and delicate.




I'd say the pictures are not so good. I'm sorry about that. You should come by their brick-and-mortar stores to see them. Their Hydrangea item itself comes in four colors, and two of them have camisoles, too, though my favorite purple one doesn't have, to my disappointment.


Well, their representative pink ones are bright and very cute. I wanted to get them as well, to be honest. They're just like standing for cheerfulness as pink hydrangeas mean. To me, they looked more like Hibiscus flowers. I prefer hibiscuses, you know. Hope both or either of Triumph and Wachol will release Hibiscus or Plumeria underclothes for summer this year. ハイビスカス


Well, you know, Japan has four seasons and it's called "四季," Shiki, which includes spring, summer, autumn and winter, but we have a rainy season after spring, and then summer comes.



NEW By the way, Cherry Blossoms, or Sakura, also have words.桜 In Japan, Sakura has several sorts, and each has different meanings.


But I came to know that Cherry Blossoms have a meaning "Spiritual Beauty" and "A Good Education" in some countries, and the former one is said to come from what George Washington experienced when he was a child. He was the 1st President of the United States, you know.アメリカ 


Here in Japan, Sakura has the same meaning "Spiritual Beauty" as well as other different and various ones. 日本 It's a bit like today's title, isn't it? Being beautiful inside. And it makes us beautiful outside, too. 



Though I don't like the word "spiritual" itself because it became so popular here and many people use it without knowing what they really are. I mean, I hate those who talk about spiritual stuff a lot even though they do dirty things. Some of them even don't notice and realize it. Others are just followed by what their spiritual leader tells them and never try to think by themselves. It's hard to explain in brief, but I hope some of you might remember and keep in mind what I've written in the past blog posts and understand and realize what I've been trying to tell you.




Anyway, I'll write about Shimogamo Shrine sometime as I told you in the previous blog post.