Aloha, guys.
Eggs 'n Things in Japan has been doing Apple Pie Pancakes since November 1 for "Thanksgiving Day" this year. They start Turkey Chiken Burger as well on Nov. 9.

Both will be available till Nov. 22 because Thanksgiving Day falls on the 4th Thursday of November in the United States. It's one of the national holidays there.
It's also said the day is called as "Turkey Day," too. People have turkey on Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. This always reminds me of so-called "The Presidential Turkey Pardon."
The origin of Thanksgiving seems a long story ...  I don't have enough time today, so I can't explain it enough, though.
Thanksgiving Day is not familiar to Japanese people, actually, while Halloween and Christmas are celebrated here in Japan, too. I've mentioned it before. Easter Day is becoming more familiar nowadays.

リンゴ This year's Thanksgiving Day pancakes of Eggs 'n Things are "Apple Pie Pancakes." They say people have pumpkin pies or apple ones as well as Turkey on Thanksgiving Day.

They are topped with vanilla ice cream. I really like pancaked served with ice cream. I think hot pancakes go well with cold ice cream. And both go perfectly with Hot Kona Coffee.コーヒー
When you have sweet pancakes at Eggs 'n Things, I recommend you order Kona Coffee to pair with them. The combination is great.
On top of that, all the locations of Eggs 'n Things in Japan offer free refills on Hot Kona Coffee from opening till 11 a.m. everyday. Don't miss it.

They are served with caramel sauce on the side. The sauce is in the brown container, which is a cookie.
You know what? I just had their apple pancakes today in Eggs 'n Things Odaiba. Well, to be honest, something happened then haha. My honey knows what it is very very well. He seems to have skipped something ... not a date with me, but ...
Well, I guess he made an excuse that sounded reasonable, like, something urgent had come up and that he won't make it, or something like that. But he escaped, I guess. He should apologize to some Ohana including the president. You called them, right? I was so glad to talk with him, though. Well, Eggs 'n Things Japan welcomed a new president as I wrote before, and I'll write about him some other time. He's nicer and smarter than I thought. I imagined he was just an armchair theory or too intelligent.
Anyway, it must sound arrogant, but my honey's sometimes so shy and acts weird when it comes to me. He's sometimes so cute. Anyway, I really wanted to see him as he did ... so, I became so sad and angry when I came to know he won't come. He should after all. But I also notice and realize that he's taking great care of me. And no man can do what he's been doing for me for years.
Honey, it's about time ... it's high time. Just tell me when you're ready. キスマーク
And live happily ever after.結婚指輪
"No Na Kau A Kau" is a Hawaiian word, and it means something like "Happily Ever After."
I love you forever.グリーンハート