"Honu" is a Hawaiian word. It means green sea turtles.カメ It's said they bring happiness and protect people.
Well, "Honu" can be colorful, haha.

There are "Honu".




The photo is from "Happy Valentine's Day 2018."


My honey likes green. The green seems the exact color for Hawaiian "Honu".
And I'm going to get green turtles that are matching of purple ones I already have.グリーンハーツ




NEW And I got the green turtle for my hon.グリーンハート

They're kissing, haha. ラブラブ



"Nau K'ou Aloha" means "I'm All Yours" in Hawaiian language. I wanna say Nau "K'ou" Aloha to Kouta.キスマーク

By the way, I went to Hawaii the day before yesterday... やしの木ハイビスカス
It was windy.
... I'm joking again. But it sure was windy, actually. Here in Japan, it was windy yesterday, too.
I went to Shonan, Japan, to see Mt. Fuji, 富士山... 富士山  

Haha, it's a locally limited Mt. Fuji beverage produced by Tully's Coffee. It's so cool, isn't it? It sure is, and it does cool us down.  It's perferct for the hot summer.

The beverage is called "Ramune Blue Frozen - Mt. Fuji-." Ramune drinks mean soda drinks or lemonade or something like that.
There are a lot of Tully's Coffee shops all over Japan, but "Ramune Blue Frozen - Mt. Fuji- " is only available in Tully's Coffee shops located in the areas around Mt. Fuji including Shonan. That's why Tully's Coffee named the campaign "Tully's TO GO! AROUND Mt. FUJI THE CAFE!"富士山

They're giving away 1 straw flag to customers who order their Mt. Fuji beverage. It's a limited quantity offer.  We can use it like this.富士山
Actually, to get this straw flag, I went to one of the Tully's Coffee shops offering exclusive Mt. Fuji items soon after "Tully's TO GO! AROUND Mt. FUJI THE CAFE!" started on July 2. They'll be doing the campaign till August 19.
I went to Tullly's Coffee Enoden Enoshima Station, which just opned in March this year. It is located at the station called Enoden Enoshima Station.
Shonan has "Katase" Enoshima Station and "Shonan" Enoden Station except this "Enoden" Enoshima Station. It's so complicated. They're located in a neiborhood, so, we can walk from one to the others. I asked local people how to get to another.
I tried other local items by Tully's Coffee as well.


"Coffee of the day" that day in the location was Mt. Fuji -limited Coffee Blend, which is sold as one of the exclusive items. 
Green Tea Gugelhupf or Kouglof, whose shape is like Mt. Fuji, can be served with Shizuoka's vanilla ice cream.


Both Matcha Gugelhupf and Shizuoka's Ice cream are Mt. Fuji -limited food items, and each can be ordered separately. It's said Mt. Fuji is located in Shizuoka prefecture as well as Yamanashi one, so that's why they're serving ice cream produced in Shizuoka.


And, you know, Shizuoka is famous for its green tea, though I'm not sure whether their exclusive Gugelhupf uses Shizuoka's green tea or not. I guess they use Itoen's green tea or something, since Tully's Coffee is Itoen's subsidiary company, haha.
They're also selling these items that are inspired by Mt. Fuji, or Fuji-san.

I got several of the limited goods including "Tully's Card" for myself and for my honey, who founded Tully's Coffee in Japan.日本 Oh, Tully's Coffee was originally born in Seattle, America.アメリカ



To tell you the truth, I didin't know what "Tully's Card" really is. My darling didn't either, I guess. "Tully's Card" was born after he left Tully's Coffee like "Bearful," Tully's teddy bear character. I call this character "Teddy". I have lots of Tully's teddies, and my favorite ones are Hawaiian teddies as I added their photos in another blog post "☆No Fun No Gain★"

On the other hand, "Tully's Picture Book" was born while he was the president. I mentioned it last year in "20th Anniversary".

Some locations have picture books like these. We can buy them. The three in the photos received some award of "15th Tully's Picture Book Award". I read them all while I was there.
Well, "Tully's Card" comes in varous designs including seasonal ones and anniversay ones. It has locally limited ones, too, such as Mt. Fuji -limited, Kyoto-limited, Osaka-limited, and so on. I hear Tohoku-limited "Tully's Card", which started to be sold last summer, was so popular and already sold out at many locations in Tohoku resign.
I highly recommend you shoud have one if you sometimes come by Tully's Coffee. I'll tell you why sometime.

I should have worn a sky blue outfit instead ...

Staff members of Tully's Coffee, fellows, wear this turquoize blue T-Shirt to promote Tully's TO GO! AROUND Mt. FUJI THE CAFE!. We can see this Mt. Fuji's outfit in Tully's Coffee shops located around Mt. Fuji.富士山 I think this one should be added to Fuji-san's exclusive items. I wanna buy one for myself and one for my darling. It's so cool.
To be honest, I went to Shonan to have and get Mt. Fuji-themed food & drink items and goods in Tully's Coffee, not to see Mt. Fuji, or Fuji-san, but I did see Mt. Fuji there.

富士山 It's Mt. Fuji, maybe, haha.
At least I thought it was Mt. Fuji and took photos. Even if it was not, I did see Mt. Fuji twice. while I was on a monorail though I didn't have time to take pictures.
As I wrote in July last year, "Cloud Number One," when I visited Shonan, the place is like Hawaii though I've never been to.
I visited Eggs 'n Things Shonan Enoshima this year, too. I'm writing this listening to the song "Cloud Number One."音譜
Though I've always wanted to have Shonan-limited "Shirasu Loco Moco", which was available last summer, now that many of the Eggs 'n Things locatons in Japan stopped each exclusive menu, "Shirasu Loco Moco" isn't offered anymore, either. I'm so sad.
I do hope Eggs 'n Things Japan starts store-limited menus again. I insist. I'd say each store's anniversary pancakes that are available for a limited time are not enough. I hear some customers want them to restart exclusive menus.
Instead of store-limited items, I ordered "Ahi Poke Bowl" off their grand menu, and their seasonal shaved iced, "Milky Shaved Ice."サングラス

"Aloha E Komo Mai." 虹
That's exactly what Ohana, staff of Eggs 'n Things, say.

I've tried "Ahi Poke" and "Spicy Ahi Poke" before, but this was the first time I'd eaten "Ahi Pole Bowl." It tasted great. It tastes like Japanese cuisine. I think it's healthy as well as delicious.


トロピカルカクテル We can enjoy both colorful ice cream and refreshing Blue Hawaii shaved ice at one time with "Milky Shaved Ice." I thought it was like shave ice covered with ice cream, but I'm not sure.
星 The other one of their seasonal items being offered right now is "Lemon Cream Cheese Pancakes."

They tasted really good.

And ... the decoration is beyond description. 星
One of the female Ohana I really like told me that a female Ohana who can decorate the best in Eggs 'n Things Harajuku was in charge of this. I really appreciate this. She's so good at writing and drawing with chocolate pens. It must be very difficult. I hear there are only 4 colors, green, yellow, pink and black, but when she does, the plate decoration becomes more colorful and beautiful. It's wonderful.

七夕 The star festival is July 7 every year, you know. It originally came from China. I wrote about the star festival, or 七夕, Tanabata, and showed what Tanabata decorations are in "When You Wish Upon A Star ..."流れ星

I've alread written my wish for this year's star festival when I visited Zojoji last month.七夕
A Chinese word "我爱你" is "Aloha au ia 'oe," which means "I love You."ドキドキ

Speaking of China, Eggs 'n Things opened a new location in Taiwan on June 26. 右矢印Correct. They open a new location in Taiwan on July 20.

NEW I apologize. At first, I wrote "a new location in China," but I think I have to be much more careful for historical and political reason.
Anyway, congratulations.クラッカー I think Chinese as well as Taiwanese language is spoken in Taiwan. In Taiwanese and Chinese, it's "恭喜ビックリマーク恭喜ビックリマーク ," right? I hope so.

I think I wanna do something for this here in Japan. I mean, I ask Ohana to decorate pancakes to send a message the next time I go to Eggs 'n Things. I'll do that sometime. Maybe I should learn Chinese and Taiwanese.
You know, Eggs 'n Things also opened in Singapore this year. Sorry, I made a mistake. They opened in Singapore on December 19 last year, not this year.



I'd like to visit both someday.

Eggs 'n Things in Japan starts "Red Garlic Shrimp" on July 17 and they're doing it for a limited time. It looks like spicy Chinese and Taiwanese food, I think.
I'll update this blog post later. Also, I'll correct my spelling and grammar mistakes. 右矢印I did.


Well, I colored some words and pasted links to other words on my computer, and I always make the linked pages appear separately, I mean not appear and change the original blog page. But, when I add or correct sentences using my smartphone app after that, the colors disappear and the linked pages don't appear separately. I wonder why.






Tully's Coffee shops located around and promoting Mt. Fuji have this board.




And these colorful stickers, too.





It seems Tully's Coffee shops displaying what they call "event board" can decide each own "1st AREA."


鉛筆Then, customers write something on a sticker according to what they titled and put the sticker on the board.



Tully's Enoden Enoshima Station's "1st AREA"; The thing you want to do the most now.


And I wrote; I want to swim with dolphins in Hawaii. ハイビスカスイルカ




On the other hand, all the locations promoting the campaign have the same "2nd AREA."


"2nd AREA" says; Shout out this year's goal from the mountain top.富士山 


I wrote; Find my calling. 流れ星






The other shops have different "1st AREA," and I wonder what each Tully's Coffee wrote. If you happen to visit the location I went to, just check out my stickers.グッド!



.Well, what would you like to write for 1st and 2nd AREAs?



Stop by Tully's Coffee during this summer and enjoy a great view of Mt. Fuji. 富士山