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今天等我來 - EASON CHAN


        曲:柳重言 詞:勞雙恩     編:金培達 監製:王紀華

        聽別人故事 如何的春風得意       也是人故事  

        我要走他鄉一次 寫故事一次 

        或是真真的不易 都想試一試

        去吧 前去吧 沿途雖風霜冰冷

        去吧 前去吧 縱使風吹得多猛




        今天等我來 就讓我誠懇的心 把心聲傳來

        大門若已開 若然是你在


        今天等我來 就讓這游子的心寫出好題材

        大門若隔開 分隔開

        願我聲音跨障礙 令到相識不多的這主題變精彩

        (和聲: 當年人 孤單成行 彷如塵 空中浮沉 我要真的決心)

       去吧 回去吧


        去吧 回去吧

        我要使家鄉驚歎 何時也要闖

        闖出璀璨 告世間昂然地我復是還



本來今日的目標是執房, 但是當我10點學完俾人呃咗15分鐘的車回來時我就不自覺地坐到電腦前了. 然後坐到現在OTL|||| 我是不是病態地沈迷網絡了? 已經十幾個小時了... 低能的...

下午畫的OEKAKI無啦啦IE關掉, 沒有了, 再去KK的版畫, 本來應該在原裝頁上的OE程式自行開了一個新視窗, 還要是英文的... 好怪, 然後當我SAVE的時候, 過了一餐晚餐還未SAVE完... PRINTSCREEN貼上去算了. 然後想收手執房, 點知電腦因為我聽1.fm時按了彈出來的廣告而中了招, 看不到日記等大型日本網頁, MARS叫我重灌, 就重灌, 接著是安裝程式用了兩個小時...再來剛才打尋找他媽的推獎文... 完事時才沒有了, MARS問我是不是食錯野, 我想唔關事, 這是我黑仔;口; 嗚哇啊啊啊 囧TL

說說別的事. 日本租屋的合約已經收到了, 用DHL的, 好勁(賺我咁多:@ ) 昨天還在擔心澳門的郵政系統會搞到我過去了還未收到合約呢! 哈哈哈. 再來就是那份野竟然重1KG @口@ 有5本書, 教我小至掉垃圾, 大至(還沒有看, 太多字) 的生活知識... 還有什麼我該做不該做, 反正印章未做好, 過了星期一才算. (媽和軍曹回廣州, 她們可以順手幫我拿章章)

該是時候睡了... 頹廢的人生...


剛才打完的一大段子沒有了, 連他媽的故事都尋找不了... 今天不知道是不是吃錯東西了, 下午畫的OE又整個IE關掉, 沒有了, 連PRINTSCREEN也來不及... OTL


戲是上星期過香港匯錢後為了不枉那行而約MAT子出來看的. 果然沒有看錯 比想像中(看了簡介後的想像)出乎意料十三倍!!! 因為我倆都是腐爛掉的人, (先來一個奸笑) 所以看的很爽, 主角是一個變性老女人, 到開場後大半個小時我還覺得她是男人演的, 但明明看到POSTER是說《靚太唔易做》Felicity Huffman, 再多看個十數分鐘, 才叮一聲發現!!! OH !! 太勁了!!! 雖說HOLLYWOOD的化妝出神入化人所共知, 不過(為了字不再消失掉, COPY一下先)在靚太中的能幹媽媽即時老了27年, 實在是勁! (我見得世面少) 而且(主要認不出來的原因) 那把感冒的老牛聲配得實在太自然了! 我如果聽到一個這樣的電話, 也必定會CUT線的!!! (好衰XD) 在不得不讚嘆導演營造角色的用心時, 又不停地被主角的兒子閃死了我... (POSTER那個平凡的呆子是誰啊?) 年輕, 閃亮又得意, 聽到他說想染金頭髮拍《金髮特務○○○》時真的很正, 低能到爆, 但佢又好閃, 做很多壞事, 但又善良又寂寞, 學壞了的善良孩子啊, 快回媽媽(爸爸?)的懷裡吧!

基本上心思都用在看閃閃索仔和腐爛事上, 看後的得著不太多. 看似異樣其實充斥著我們生活的事, 平淡又無可奈何接受著的人們, 還有沒有為此停下來活出自己的主角們... 完.



軍曹說如果我九點都未上船的話, 就不要去香港了.

然而, 當我醒來的時候已經八點四十九分了...


就在我跌跌蕩蕩衝出門口的時候原來阿姨整左田七水俾我飲(功效:舒筋活血, for我腰骨)

但是好火熱, 等了好久都未能入口, 唯有無視碗嘢衡上碼頭. 晚上回來再飲...

到碼頭已經九點五十分. 等出過香港張紙的人排到好長好長, 賣票處閃爍著即開10:45am的字眼...

我排了一會兒隊, 見到售票員, 問: 最快的船是几點? "十點九" 咁豪華位呢? "十點" 唔該俾張豪華位orz|||

如果一百蚊同45分鐘, 我會犧牲一百蚊...

和媽會合, 陪佢地行街過程skip.

當我和他們經過旺電的時候, 我說去看一看手電吧!!

誰知會因為個sales太專業而買了! 歐歐說她是101分的sales!!


好在! 見到老大和魚魚和mat mat時老大幫我拿電腦!! 好簡動!!

好man啊 *口*

唱k開唔到聲, 嗚;_;

但是看BB書還有和大家玩的很開心(倒是沒吃什麼東西, 搞到在船上係咁刨個啫喱*)

老大又再一次咁整到魚魚濕晒, 不特止仲成地都係水, 搞到職員都唔好意思入來拖地...

還有... 我... 被人欺壓O口O;; 叫我OTL在地上.. 好可怕(笑)

嗯, 謝謝大家出來陪我;_;

* 坐船有得食啫喱是因為我又要坐豪華位orz|||

出到碼頭今次閃爍著04:45am||||| (那時才十二點四十分orz)


之後我行埋去, 跟我說要四百蚊

媽的! 痴交線!!



(´д` )





此刻的我在公司, 我已經對著電腦超過三個小時了, 如果在家對著電腦三個小時根本就不算什麼, 但這裡是公司. 我對著電腦可以做的事只有公事. 因為即使我上網, 我的網速也只有可憐的31.2Kb/s, 連livly也load不出來, 根本不知道可以幹什麼... 此刻的我還未看花樣男子的ending, 根本沒有時間, 星期六晚因為忘了重要的事而忙於補救, 昨天又整天出了去. 更可悲的是未來兩天都看不了orz||| 今晚一放工就颷過澳門找KK DINNER, 繼而看KING KONG(心) 看完都12點3了, 明天一早過香港(再心), 回來都不會早, 哈哈...

離收工還有十分鐘, 準備一下. 待續=__=



最喜歡的是When I'm Gone, 超感動. 我也希望有一天自己可以為了家人放棄事業.

喜歡的還有Mockingbird, Lost Yourself(無論是原版還是ft. Elton John) , Without me, FAKE...

Artist:Eminem Album:Curtain Call Title:When I'm Gone

[Intro : Eminem]
It's my life...
Lone words I guess...

[Verse 1: Eminem]
Have you ever loved someone so much you give an arm for
Not the expression, NO, literally give an arm for
When they know they are your heart and you know you are their armor
And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her
But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you ?
And everything you stand for, turns on you despite you ?
What happens when you become the main source of her pain
"Daddy look what I made"
Dad's got to go catch a plane
"Daddy, where's Mommy, I can't find Mommy where is she?"
I don’t know, go play, Hailey baby, your daddy's busy
Daddy's writing a song, the song ain't gonna write itself
I give you one under dog and you gotta swing by yourself
Then turn right around in that song and tell her you love her
And put hands on her mother... whose a spittin image of her
That's Slim Shady, yeah baby Slim Shady's crazy
Shady made me, but tonight Shady's rocker by baby

[Chorus: Eminem]
...And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...
...And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...

[Verse 2: Eminem]
I keep having this dream, I'm pushing Hailie on the swings
She keeps screaming, she don't want me to sing.
You're making mummy cry. Why ? Why is mummy crying?
Baby, daddy ain't leaving no more – “daddy you're lying.”
You always say that, You always say this is the last time,
But you ain't leaving no more, Daddy you are mine.
She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it
Daddy please, daddy don't leave, daddy, no stop it.
Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket.
It's got a picture, It'll keep you safe daddy, take it with you
I look up, it's just me standing in the mirror
These sinking walls must be talking, Cause man I can hear ‘em.
They're saying : "You have got one more chance to do right, and it's tonight
Now go out there and show that you love them before it's too late."
And just as I go to walk out my bedroom door
It's turns to a stage, they're gone and this spotlight is on
And I'm singing...

[Chorus: Eminem]
...And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...
...And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...

[Couplet 3 : Eminem]
Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seat
The curtain closes, they are throwing roses at my feet.
I take a bow and Thank You all for coming out
They’ screamin is so loud, I take one last look at the crowd.
I glance down, I don't believe what I'm seeing
"Daddy it's me, HELP mummy her wrists are bleeding!"
But baby WE'RE IN SWEEDEN, how did you get to Sweeden ?
I followed you daddy, you told me that you weren't leaving.
You lied to me dad, and now you make mummy sad
And I bought you this coin, it says "Number One Dad".
That's all I wanted, I just want to give you this coin
I get the point... fine, me and mummy are going.
But baby wait... - It's too late dad, you made the choice
Now go up there and show them that you love them more than us.
That's what they want, they want you Marshall, they keep screaming your name
It's no wonder you can't go to sleep... Just take another pill...
Yeah, I bet you you will. You rap about it... Yeah, Word, Keep it real.
I hear applause, all this time I couldn't see
How could it be, That the curtain is closing on me.
I turn around, find a gun on the ground
Cock it, Put it to my brain and scream "Die Shady!" and PUMP IT.
The sky darkens, My life flashes, the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes.
That's when I wake up, Alarm clock screamin and there's birds singing
It's spring and Hailie's outside swinging, I walk up to Kim and kiss her.
Tell her I miss her, Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister.
Almost as if to say...

[Outro: Eminem]
...And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...
...And when I'm gone, just carry on... don't mourn.
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice,
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling,
And I ain't gon' feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain.
Just smile back...

裝了web cam

今日, 放假. 剪不成頭髮, 看不成花樣男子. 時間用在睡覺, 去黑眼圈和看如果.愛。

和高中時曾經交換日記的朋友去看如果愛, 時間未到時逛了一陣子街. 在噴水池又開了間DAISO, 4層, 未走到最底的一層已經生厭往回走了. 然後, 遇到了高中時討厭的女生, 同時那個女生又和我朋友很要好. 那個女生沒什麼改變, 都是很討厭. 雖然她什麼也沒做, 也和我打招呼. 還說我們好久不見. 就像朋友般寒暄…

然而, 在我心中的憎恨拔不出來. 可悲的自己…


今早起來, 腰骨好了好多, 可以敏捷地行走. 但是當我吃完中飯、拆了外敷藥洗澡之後, 又痛起來了. 然後整天都不良於行again... orz||||

上個月打算給k的, 截了回家到現在還未動手完成...


如果我是林見東, 當孫納不再愛我的時候, 我也不會再去愛她.

如果我是聶文, 我不會為了令孫納自由而放手去死.

如果我是孫納, 儘管回到林見東的懷抱, 也不會再愛他.

如果人人都不愛, 那自己就最能得到愛.

畢竟最愛你的人, 往往只有自己

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