The “Dolphin Presents” sponsored Children come from Fukushima to Miyazaki camp on its second day was all about fully enjoying the southern part of Miyazaki, Kushima.

But sadly, the schedule at the Kitago nursery school couldn't take place, due to a spread of influenza over the weekend, which led to rising fevers of some children and even the absence of some workers at the station.

 “Even though everyone had practiced the whole week, and the last rehearsal was perfect, we cant do anything about this” said the principal of the nursery school and later we exchanged presents and ale, listened to the presidents message, before parting reluctantly.

Then, we went shopping at the local super market “Tomura” as well as shops with Miyazaki unique seasoning, going around and shopping spontaneously and a bit randomly was very funny.

For lunch we had the Nango fishery cooperative´s executive, Mr. Suzuya´s Bonito meal! We really enjoyed the freshly made bonitos. The fishermen of the Nago Fishery gathered and told us their stories of how fishing and selling in Fukushima was something natural to them just some years ago, and how that changed to a thing of impossibility for them now.

In the afternoon we went to Kushima City and played in the “Dream Ranch” where the children could touch goats and ponies, as well as other animals while also playing with rabbits, and seeing beautiful animals such as peacocks.

The children really enjoyed all the various animals and a smile was something all children shared throughout our stay.

For dinner Mr. Kawasaki from the Taiyu Port provided is fresh camas and everyone really enoyed the delicious fresh fish and miso soup.

Eventhough it really was sad that we couldnt do as scheduled in the nursery school in the morning, but it turned out to be a very culinary-focused day that we could enjoy to the most.

A participants mom commented “Miyazaki is so hot, I wouldnt have thought it could get this warm in February, also the meals are delicious and the people are so warm hearted here! Today the driver for the Bus provided by Tegevarajo Miyazaki changed to Mr. Fujiyama Daisuke and we thank him very much for the driving us around safe and sound!