復習したい場合は適宜このリンクから各記事へとジャンプしてくださいm(_ _)m

各論40】「分詞Ⅰ ~分詞の基本~」
a) boiling water

b) boiled eggs

c) the house belonging to Jane

d) fallen leaves

各論41】「分詞Ⅱ ~分詞の形容詞用法①~」
a) a pretty girl 

b) The girl is pretty. 

c) His love made the girl pretty.

d) She put some eggs into the boiling water.

e) I like soft-boiled eggs.

f) He took a picture of fallen leaves.

g) This is the doctor studying cancer.

h) What is the language spoken most in the world?

i) The train arrived at Platform 1 is from Hakodate.

各論42】「分詞Ⅱ ~分詞の形容詞用法②~」
a) They sat surrounding the fire.

b) They sat surrounded by their students.

c) Anna saw him crossing the road.

c') Anna saw him cross the road.

d) She could not hear her name called.

e) He had his son studying around the clock.

e') He had his son study around the clock.

f) I could not make myself understood in English.

g) I must have a bad tooth pulled out.

h) I had my bag stolen in the bus.

■ 次回配信予定
【各論43】「分詞Ⅳ ~分詞形容詞~」
