復習したい場合は適宜このリンクから各記事へとジャンプしてくださいm(_ _)m

各論8】「時制Ⅰ ~単純形の世界~」
a) I am twenty years old now.

b) I get up at six and eat breakfast at seven.

c) World war Ⅱ was over in 1945.

d) I often went shopping to Shibuya.

e) Prime minister goes to America in August.

f) Oil floats on water.

g) Would you please help me?

h) She will come.

i) “Okay, I will do that.”

j) She is going to come.

k) I’m going to do that.

l) She is coming.

m) “We will be stopping at Minami-Chitose and Tomakomai.”
n) She is about to come. So hurry up!

o) She is to come.

各論9】「時制Ⅱ ~副詞節における未来の代用~」
a) I’ll tell her the truth when she comes tomorrow.

b) Please tell me when she will come tomorrow.

c) The day will come when I will tell her the truth.

a’) I’ll tell her the truth if she comes tomorrow.

b’) Please tell me if she will come tomorrow.

■ 次回配信予定
【各論10】「時制Ⅲ ~進行形の基本~」
