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I should point out that for purpose of this analysis we have included a first week of July in the June results for both years to eliminate the distortion created by the timing of the July 4th holiday. We estimate the market share for the Bud Light family grew in the quarter. STRs for the Bud Light brands declined by 4.7% in the quarter marginally better than the performance of the premium Light segment overall.

May 27 2011 FIFA announces that it will expand its corruption probe to include Sepp Blatter after AFC president Mohammed bin Hammam claimed Blatter knew about cash payments he was accused of giving to national football association in exchange for pro Hammam votes during Qatar's 2022 World Cup bid. Blatter maintains that the allegations are "without substance" and is subsequently exonerated by FIFA's ethics committee two days later. Blatter later holds an extraordinary press conference where he tells the world's press: "Crisis? What is a crisis?!".

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