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[READ ]  How To Write Awesome Dialogue! For Fiction, Film and Theatre: Techniques from a published author and theatre guy | Rejections from agents and editors? Middling reviews on your work?Maybe it's pacing, plot, narrative . . . what if it's what your characters say?.Outstanding dialogue is often the difference between a good book and a great book. How does yours stack up?No B.S. -- your dialogue has to rock to get attention from agents, editors, and readers.I'm an award-winning novelist and Bram Stoker Award finalist with nine novels published with imprints of Penguin Random House, Abrams, and Simon &amp Schuster, plus more than twenty years of experience as an actor, director, and artistic director. I'll guide you through everything you need to improve your writing, make your dialogue shine, and get your book noticed and talked about by readers, agents, and editors alike!Learn how to start with a great plot and conflict to form the foundation of awesome dialogueDiscover actors&#8217 techniques to give your characters strength and purposeImprove on setting scenes and building relationships between 