





2021年度版 技術英検1級問題集 [ 公益社団法人日本工業英語協会 ]







I 英単語英文解説

(a) transverse: crossing from side by side

(b) residue: a small amount of something that remains at the endo of a process

(c) subsequent: occurring or coming later or later

subsequent : after

consequent : as a result of

(d) hub: a common connection point of devices in a network

【3年保証】 USBハブ 3.0 USB3.0 ハブ 4ポート USB3.0 5Gbps 高速 軽量 コンパクト ウルトラスリム バスパワー USB HUB MacBook MacBook Pro / ChromeBook Windows Mac OS対応【A601】

(e) base: a chemical substance that combine with an acid to form a salt





Ⅱ 英文空所補充 1

(a) In meteorology, a cyclone is a large-scale air mass that that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure.

(b) An abbreviation is typically a shortened form of words, such as Dr.,whereas an acronym contains a set of initial from a phrase, such as LED.





(c) In 1869, Mendeleev discovered that elements with similar properties appear periodically while he was arranging 63 elements in order of increasing atomic numbers.

Mendeleev's periodic table







Ⅲ 短文リライト

(a) 3. When the container is vacuumized, the ringing clock sound from the container dies away.

(b) 2. Water and oil do not mix but soap makes it possible.

(c) 1. People use herbal supplements to maintain or improve their health.

(d) 2. During manufacturing, materials are often wasted.

(e) 1. A gear is a wheel with teeth set evenly around its circumference.

immiscible: 混ざらない、混合しない


herbal suppliments:ハーブ系サプリメント



Ⅳ 英文空所補充 2

(a) Transistors were used wherever space-efficient amplification was required.

(b) Although methane hydrate is called "fire ice", it is not ice in the physical sense.

(c) Ensure that a password is set for your user account to prevent unauthorized access to your computer.

(d) About one-fifth of the air in the earth's atmosphere is oxygen.

amplification: 増幅

methane hydrate:メタンハイドレート


Ⅴ 英文和訳

(a) Everyone's eyes contain a natural chemical called melanin within the iris. The more melanin someone's eyes contain, the darker the color will be. Some people have made assumptions that eyes color may make a difference to the way people actually see things. The truth is, while eye color does not affect how people see something, it can cause them to have different sight abilities in various lighting conditions. The melanin concentration in the pigment of the iris cells acts as a way to protect the iris from strong sunlight.


pigment:色素 :可視光の吸収うあるいは放出により物体に色を与える物質の総称。



a natural chemical:自然化学物質

darker: ここでの場合は、黒いまたは濃い

lighting condition: 光の当たり方、照明の条件のニュアンス

the melanin concentration :メラニンが集中している


(b) Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium-metal batteries failed  due to safety problems. Because of the inherent instability of lithium metal, especially during charging, research shifted to a non-metallic lithium battery using lithium ions. Although slightly lower in energy density than lithium-metal batteries, lithium-ion batteries are safe, provided that certain precautions are taken during charging and discharging. The energy density of lithium-ion batteries is typically twice that of standard nickel-cadmium batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have potential for higher energy densities.




Ⅵ 和文英訳

(a) Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse-gas emissions in the US and fourth largest globally. Therefore, major shifts to cleaner vehicles and mass transit systems are essential. There is no other way to achieve the reductions necessary to avoid dangerous levels of global warming.

greenhouse gas : 温室効果ガス


(b) Mass, in physics, is a quantitative measure of inertia and is a fundamental property of all matter. It is the resistance that a body offers to a change in its speed or position upon the application of a  force. The greater the mass of a body. The smaller the change produced by an applied force.




(c) All weather changes results from temperature changes in different parts of the atmosphere. Our lives and weather depend on the sun's energy radiated to the earth. On the earth , the areas near the equator receive more heat from the sun than those near the North and South Poles. This unequal heating of the earth causes north and south winds.





I 英単語英文解説

(a) classify: to divide things into groups according to common features

(b) contour line: a line joining points of equal height and indicating hills, valleys, and the steepness of slopes

contour line:等高線

(c) cosmic rays: rays that reach earth from outer space

(d) fertilizer: a chemical substance added to soil to increase its fertility

(e) amplify: to increase something, such as the volume of sound


Ⅱ 英文空所補充 1

(a) Telescopes captured visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light, followed by X-rays and radio waves days later.

infrared light:赤外線、赤外光

(b) Centrifugal force is an outward radial force that is exerted when a body of mass rotated about an axis.

centrifugal force:遠心力

radial force:半径方向力

(c) A diet low in calcium can contribute to decreased bone density and have a negative impact on overall bone health.


Ⅲ 短文リライト

(a) 3. Aeronautics is the study of design and manufacture of aircraft.

(b) 2. A famous equation states that mass and energy are essentially the same , and are interchangeable.


(c) 3. A car suspension system maximizes tire-road friction, and mass the car stable and handle well.

(d) 1. Fungi cannot synthesize their own food like most plants do


(e) 1.This smartphone supports Android 9.


Ⅳ 英文空所補充 2

(a) A chemical reaction is a process that converts substances into other substances.

(b) This method allows us to save more money and energy.

(c) The system has to be initialized.

(d) This plastic tray is biodegradable.




Ⅴ 英文和訳(短文)

(a) Methane hydrate is a crystalline solid that consists of a methane molecule surrounded by a cage of interlocking water molecules.

crystalline solid:結晶性固体


(b) Living organisms, including humans, have an internal, biological clock that helps them anticipate and adapt to the regular rhythm of the day.


(c) Friction is the force of resistance when two surfaces slide against each other. Friction resistance is measured as the coefficient of friction.

the coefficient of friction:摩擦係数


(d) Do not use this device in places where the temperature is extremely high or low , or in places exposed to direct sunlight.



Ⅵ 英文和訳(長文の中の短文)

(a) The turbocharger is bottled to the exhaust manifold of the engine. The exhaust from the cylinders spins the turbine, which works like a gas turbine engine. (1) The turbine is connected by a shaft to the compressor, which is located between the air filter and the intake manifold. The compressor pressurizes the air going into the cylinders. (2) The exhaust from the cylinders passes through the turbine blades, causing the turbine to spin. The more the exhaust that goes through the blades, the faster they spin.

intake manifold: 吸気マニホールド



(b) Genes are the basic unit of all life on earth. They are responsible for the characteristic of organisms. Not all groups of animals have the same degree of genetic diversity. (1) Kangaroos, for example, come from relatively recent evolutionary lines and are genetically very similar. Carnivorous marsupials, called dasyurids, come from more ancient lines and are genetically far more diverse. (2) Some scientists believe that we should concentrate on saving more genetically diverse groups, such dasyurids, which include the Tasmanian devil, the numbat and the quoll.

dasyurids: フクロネコ科



genes: 遺伝子

genetic diversity: 遺伝的多様性

evolutionary: 進化(論)的な

Carnivorous marsupials:肉食性有袋類


Tasmanian devil:タスマニアンデビル


quoll: フクロネコ


Ⅶ 和文英訳

(a) This discovery let to the development of new drugs, which offer hope to patients with advanced cancer which was preciously untreatable.

advanced cancer: 進行がん

(b) Some wavelentghts of light are long while others are short. Light of different wavelengths appears as different colors.


light waves: 光波

(c) The substances that go into a chemical reaction are called reactants, and the substances produced at the end of the reaction are called products.

reactant: 反応物質

product: 生成物

【レビュー数78件】チーク無垢材 パソコンデスク 木製 机 総無垢材 アンティーク風 猫脚コンソールデスク 天然木 アジアン家具 木製机 書斎 アンティーク風 PC机 PCデスク おしゃれ机 幅120cm 奥行50cm 机 完成品 送料無料 チークコンソールデスク120



I 英単語英文解説

(a) free electron: any electron not attached to an iron, atom, or molecule

(b) forge: to shape a metal object by heating and beating it

(c) metal fatigue: a weakness that develops in metal structures that are used repeatedly

(d) metabolism: the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life

(e) elastic: capable of recovering size and shape after deformation













an elastic cord:ゴムひも


Ⅱ 英文空所補充 1

(a) The nanoscale- the world where atoms, molecules, proteins, and cells rule the roost- is a place where science and technology gain an entirely new meaning.

rule the roost: 牛耳る


(b) Newly fabricated super strong lumber is created by boiling a wood block in a water-based solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfite.



sodium hydroxide:水酸化ナトリウム NaOH

sodium sulfite:亜硫酸ナトリウム Na2SO3

(C) The Doppler effect can be observed when the source of the sound is moving relative to the observer.


Ⅲ 短文リライト

(a) 3. A wind turbine's rotor turns an electric generator via its main shaft.

(b) 1. A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon where sunlight is refracted by water drop in the atmosphere.

(c) 1. Water droplets form when atmospheric water vapor condenses.

(d) 1. A cuboid has six rectangular faces at right angles to each other.

(e) The new regulation limits greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles.




Ⅳ 英文空所補充 2

(a) The newly development engine is 10% more fuel-efficient than the previous design.

(b) A mixture is a physical combination of pure substances without any definite or fixed composition.

(c) Some edible mushrooms have similar appearances to poisonous species.

(d) Confidential data should not be sent via e-mail unless encrypted.



Ⅴ 英文和訳(短文)

(a) Using these Boolean operators can greatly reduce or expand the number of records returned.

Boolean operators: ブール演算子


(b) Conduction allows heat to spread throughout a material and possibly into a different material that is in contact with the hot material.


(c) The most common bond in organic molecules is a covalent bond that involves the sharing of electrons between to atoms.

organic molecules:有機分子

covalent bond:共有結合


(d) The viscosity of a liquid decreases as the temperature rises, whereas the viscosity of air increases with temperature.



Ⅵ 英文和訳(長文の中の短文)

(a) Inside your ear is a very thin piece of skin called the eardrum.(1) When your eardrum vibrates, your brain interprets the vibrations as sound - that's how you hear. (2) Rapid changes in air pressure are the most common thing to vibrate your eardrum. When something vibrates, it moves the air particles around it. Those air particles in turn move the air particles around them , carrying the pulse of the vibration through the air as a traveling disturbance.

(1) 鼓膜が振動すると、脳はその振動を音と解釈する。これが音が聞こえる原理である

(2) 鼓膜を振動させる原因で最も一般的なものは気圧の急激な変化だ。

(b) (1) Development in artificial intelligence and robotics will make it possible to operate many drones at the same time.(2) Some transportation companies are designing helicopter-sized versions that could carry people around like flying taxies without a pilot on board. Like it or not, the sky is about to become far busier.

(1) 人工知能とロボット工学の発展により複数のドローンを同時に操作することが可能になるだろう。

(2) 輸送会社の中にはパイロットなしで人を運ぶ、空飛ぶタクシーのようなヘリコプターサイズのドローンを設計している


Ⅶ 和文英訳

(a) Recent studies have revealed that zooplankton eat microplastics, taking them for phytoplankton.

zooplankton: 動物性プランクトン

phytoplankton: 植物性プランクトン

(b) Even when the car is simply idling by the roadside, the piston still needs to move up and down roughly 1,000 times per minutes.

(c) Soap making requires careful measurements because some ingredients are potentially hazardous.



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I 英単語英文解説

(a) quantum: the smallest quantity of a certain physical property

(b) disperse: to make something spread over a wide area

(c) fastener: a device used to join two or more objects together

(d) hypothesis: a possible , unproved explanation that is based on know facts

(e) cross section: a drawing that shows the inside of something





Ⅱ 英文空所補充 1

(a) A fuel cell us a device that converts chemical potential energy (energy stored in molecular bonds) into electrical energy.

(b) Drugs are chemical substances that affect the nervous system and change some function of the body or mind.

(c) Lycopene is contained in many fruits and vegetables but cannot be produced by the human body.




Ⅲ 短文リライト

(a) 2. Waxing makes your vehicle shiny and helps prevent corrosion.

(b) 1. A flaw on a turbine blade can cause unstable rotation.

(c) 1. Examining volcanic hazards can help us lessen their impacts.

lessen: 1.decrease 2.wear off or die down 3.make smaller

(d) 3. Evaporation moves water directly from the ocean surface to the atmosphere.

(e) 3. The products and its materials that fail to meet the specification shall be rejected.


Ⅳ 英文空所補充 2

(a) Acidic oxides in the atmosphere will results in acid rain.

Acidic oxides: 酸性酸化物

(b) The websites of local governments provide various useful services.

(c) The current system is getting old, requiring more maintenance costs.

(d) Lack of sleep can adversely affect our cognitive functions.










Ⅴ 英文和訳(短文)

(a) Machining is the use of machines to cut pieces of material(called workpieces) and shape them into components.


(b) Protein-bound drug molecules cannot reach tissues because the protein molecules are too large to pass through the capillary fenestrations.


capillary fenestrations:毛細血管の窓




(c) An increase in carbon dioxide concentration can make the seawater more acidic, putting marine life in danger.


carbon dioxide concentration:二酸化炭素濃度

marine life:海洋生物

(d) With the advancement of sensor and AI technologies, services robots have become increasingly popular - we use them as pets and for communication today.



Ⅵ 英文和訳(長文の中の短文)

(a) Modern cars are equipped with brakes on all four wheels operated by a hydraulic system. (1) A hydraulic brake circuits has fluid-filled master and slave cylinders connected by pipes. The master cylinder transmits hydraulic pressure to the slave cylinder when the pedal is pressed. (2) When you step on the brake pedal, it depresses a piston in the master cylinder. forcing the fluid to flow along the pipe.



A hydraulic brake circuit:油圧ブレーキ回路


(b) Neil Armstrong's spacesuit is being restored in the Smithsonian Institute lab. (1) The outer layer of the suit is made of Teflon-coated glass fiber cloth to help protect against micrometeorites. (2) The helmet is equipped with a visor that protects the astronaut's eyes from ultraviolet radiation. The pressurized gloves limited dexterity, but silicone rubber in the thumb fingertips provided some sense of feel.

micrometeorites: 微小隕石




Ⅶ 和文英訳

(a) Therefore, if a is greater than b, the object receives a force W greater than the applied force F.

(b) The most familiar compound, or combination, of sodium and another element is common salt.

(c) Such precautions reduce the risk of accidental activation of power tools.

必携技術英文の書き方55のルール [ 片岡英樹 ]



I 英単語英文解説

(a) leverage: 3. mechanical power gained by using a lever

(b) convex: 2. having a surface curved like the exterior of a circle

(c) dissipate: 3. to scatter in various directions

(d) porous: 1. having many small holes through which liquid or air may pass through

(e) geothermal: 2. relating to the heat inside the earth



Ⅱ 英文空所補充 1

(a) Silicon, which has been and will be the dominant material in the semiconductor industry, will carry us into the ultra-large-scale integration (ULSI) era.

(b) A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, making the sequence differ from what is found in most people.

(c) The new material could provide an ecofriendly alternative to steels or alloys for constructing buildings or bridges.






Ⅲ 短文リライト

(a) 1. A capacitor stores electric charge, but releases the charge when no current is flowing into it.

(b) 2. A substance or material we can feel or see can be ultimately divided into particles called molecules.


(c) 1. Through fossilization, ancient animal bones change into rocks.

(d) 3. Brain death is defined as the irreversible loss of all functions of the brain.

irreversible loss:不可逆的損失


(e) This new system has shortened the lead time.


Ⅳ 英文空所補充 2

(a) If the pitch exceeds a certain frequency, the sound cannot be heard.

(b) Exposing a picture to direct sunlight for a long time will cause its color to fade.

(c) The interior of a parked car can heat up regardless of the ambient temperature.

(d) This room has flame-retardant curtains.




flame retardant:難燃性



ambient temperature:周囲温度、環境温度、外気温


Ⅴ 英文和訳(短文)

(a) Unlike batteries, fuel cells do not need to be periodically recharged; instead, they continue to produce electricity as long as fuel is provided.


(b) Cells provide structure for the body, take in nutrients, convert those nutrients into energy, and perform specialized functions.


(c) Electrical engineering deals with relatively large electric currents, whereas electronics deals with how to control things using tiny electric currents.


(d) Less than eleven hours after the gravitational waves appeared, astronomers spotted a new points of visible light in the sky.




マークシート部分 54/100。不合格です。


antibody: 抗体、抗毒素


vein: 静脈、血管 <=> artery:動脈



stratify: (…に)層を形成させる。階層化する、階級に分ける






2021年度版 技術英検1級問題集 [ 公益社団法人日本工業英語協会 ]