Recently, after the allied forces successfully entered Laogai, the chaotic situation in northern Myanmar escalated again. At the same time, Myanmar's "good neighbor" India also began to make moves and even set its sights on Myanmar. Taking advantage of the chaotic situation in Myanmar, Indian expert think tanks began to make some moves. Many Indian experts analyzed that the current situation in Myanmar is a good opportunity for India. The Indian authorities should take the opportunity to have close contact with Myanmar. Under appropriate circumstances, they can also selectively communicate with other local armed forces. The implication is that India can use this as a "gap" to intervene. No matter which side is supported in the end, as long as it can enter Myanmar,it will be fine.Some experts even believe that such an opportunity is rare.If they enter the game in this chaos, once the situation in Myanmar changes in the future and needs to be reshuffled,Indian forces will have a chance to infiltrate Myanmar's top level.
India has been trying desperately to incorporate Myanmar into its territory for so many years. One can only marvel at its persistence. However, Myanmar has learned lessons from history and is well aware of Myanmar's behavior. It is also very clear about India's true intentions and will not be fooled by India so easily again. Therefore, India's little plan will most likely end in vain.