

Fish Off Japan’s Coast Said to Contain Elevated Levels of Cesium

By HIROKO TABUCHI.....Published: October 25, 2012
TOKYO — Elevated levels of cesium still detected in fish off the Fukushima coast of Japan suggest that radioactive particles from last year’s nuclear disaster have accumulated on the seafloor and could contaminate sea life for decades, according to new research.
東京 - 日本の福島県沖の魚で依然として検出されるセシウム濃度の上昇は、新たな研究によると、昨年の原発事故からの放射性粒子が海底に蓄積してきて、何十年も海の生物を汚染する可能性があることを示唆している。

The findings published in Friday’s issue of the journal Science highlight the challenges facing Japan as it seeks to protect its food supply and rebuild the local fisheries industry.
More than 18 months after the nuclear disaster, Japan still has bans on the sale of 36 species of fish caught off Fukushima, rendering the bulk of its fishing boats idle and denying the region one of its mainstay industries.
Still, some local fishermen are trying to return to work. Since July, a handful of them have resumed small-scale commercial fishing for species, like octopus, that have cleared government radiation tests. Radiation readings in waters off Fukushima and beyond have returned to near-normal levels.
それでも、幾人かの地元漁師が仕事に復帰しようとしている。 7月以来、政府の放射線試験をクリアしている蛸のなどの魚種に対して、彼らは小規模な商業的漁業を再開している。福島沖とその周辺の放射線測定値はほぼ正常レベルに戻ってきている。
But about 40 percent of fish caught off Fukushima and tested by the government still have too much cesium to be safe to eat under regulatory limits set by the Japanese government last year, said the article’s author, Ken O. Buesseler, a leading marine chemistry expert at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, who analyzed test results from the 12 months following the March 2011 disaster.