
Wallis ‘was not keen on royal wedding’

19 August 2011

Wallis Simpson, the woman whom Edward VIII abdicated the throne for, may still have been in love with her husband, Ernest Simpson. Previously unseen letters from Wallis to Ernest suggest she felt lonely and wasn’t keen on marrying the British royal.

エドワード8世がその為に退位したウォリス・シンプソンは、彼女の夫、アーネスト・シンプソンをまだ愛し続けていたかも知れない。 過去に読まれたことのないウォリスからアーネストに宛てた手紙を読むと、彼女が孤独で英国の王と結婚することに熱心でなかったようだ。


scheming:given to deceiving others 自身の利益を増やす目的で、狡猾なたくらみを隠すさま

wormed her way into:seduced ~に巧妙に取り入った

insecure:lacking self-confidence

felt trapped:felt unable to avoid or escape fate


to be showered with:to receive many

to be dumped:to be abandoned

constitutional crisis:The marriage was opposed by the king's government in the United Kingdom on religious, legal, political, and moral grounds. Mrs Simpson was perceived as an unsuitable consort because of her two failed marriages.

widespread criticism:opposition from different quarters

renounced:gave up -renounce〈…を〉(公式に)放棄する,棄権する; 宣誓して捨てる (語源)From Latin renuntiare.


abdicate:〔王位などから〕退位する 〔from〕

Wallis Simpson:WIKI (英語日本語