
11 August 2011
Indonesian track treatment



People suffering from various ailments in Indonesia's capital Jakarta have been using an unusual and potentially deadly therapy.

They claim lying on train tracks allows an electric current to pass through their bodies curing a variety of illnesses.

The trains are in fact powered by overhead lines.

Despite this, and the obvious dangers, some people believe it is the best and most affordable remedy.





ailments:illnesses, usually not very serious (通例軽いまたは慢性の)病気,不快.

therapy:treatment for a medical problem

claim:say that something is true although it has not been proved and many people don't believe it

curing:making better, healing. The related noun is 'a cure'.

remedy:'a remedy' is something which helps a non-serious medical problem get better. It can also used to refer to a solution to a problem or difficult situation. 治療、療法