

01 August 2011
Air France crash. Who's to blame?


1 August 2011

France's flight accident investigation bureau has indicated that pilot error may have played a part in the crash of an Air France flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris two years ago. The Airbus A330 fell more than 35,000 feet into the Atlantic ocean, killing all 228 on board.

フランスの航空事故調査局がパイロットの誤操作が2年前のリオデジャネイロ発パリ行きのエアフランスのフライト墜落をもたらした一つの要因だったかもしれないと報告していた。 エアバスA330は3万5千フィート降下して大西洋に突っ込み、乗っていた228人全員が死亡した。


substantial analysis:thorough examination of the cause

pilot error:mistakes by the people flying the plane

speed monitors:equipment which measures how fast the plane is travelling

an upward trajectory:a curved path going higher =>trajectory 弾道、軌道、軌跡

to stall:to make an engine stop by accident

plunged:fell suddenly from a great height

the shifting of blame:the moving of responsibility

by implication:by suggestion

pointing the finger at:suggesting the blame lay with

hindered:limited the ability of