


さて、私は明日から1週間ちょい、現地にボラに出ます。 この記事を見られなくなくなりますが、これをぜひ多くの方に吹聴し、読み続けてもらい、誰か英語のできる方がいたら、南三陸と気仙沼以外にも彼女達を招待してもらいたいものだと思います。


By Miranda Leitsinger, Senior Writer and Editor, msnbc.com
Fishermen tend to be an optimistic lot, always hopeful that the next cast or haul of the net will yield a big payoff.

Nowhere is that more evident than among the fishermen of Minamisanriku, which lost nearly 85 percent of its fleet, its port, fish market and processing plants to the March 11 tsunami that decimated many fishing communities along Japan’s northeastern coast.

Despite the blow, Minamisanriku’s fishermen plan to return to the sea next month for the first time since the disaster in search of octopi. They’ll also reopen a makeshift market where the old one stood so they can sell whatever they catch.
その打撃にも関わらず、南三陸の猟師達はその災害以来始めてタコを求めて来月海に戻る計画だ。 彼らは釣ったものは何でも売れるよう古い建物があった所で臨時の市場を再開する。

With the fishing industry in ruins after Japan's tsunami, third-generation Minamisanriku fisherman Takumi Oyama is using his boat to collect debris from the ocean.

Most residents of this scenic coastal community nestled amid hillside forests work in fishing, and the head of the industry association says it’s key to saving their town.

“This is a fishing town, so even though there are many issues and problems to be solved, once the fishing starts that will be a driving force to encourage people and to bring joy back to this town," said Norio Sasaki, 63, chairman of the Miyagi Fisheries cooperative, Shizugawa branch. "And once the processing companies also start, that’s going to create jobs and ... that’s going to make this town vibrant again.”