Friday, 27 May 2011
Destruction of smallpox virus delayed .


27 May 2011

Member states of the World Health Organisation (WHO), meeting in Geneva, have voted to postpone for a further three years a decision on whether to destroy the last remaining stocks of the deadly smallpox virus.




was eradicated:was destroyed and is no longer a danger to public health around the world 根絶された

has raged:has continued with strong opinions on either side 怒鳴り散らしている

high time:an appropriate and right thing to do 頃合い

samples:small amounts of the virus used for research

re-emerged:came back

deliberately:not as an accident but on purpose 意図的に

to sway:to persuade

a compromise:a decision which everyone agreed on but is not really what either side wanted 折衷案


the fate of:the future of