Friday, 13 May 2011
Samoa to change its time zone.


13 May 2011

The Pacific island of Samoa is planning to move forward to a different time zone to help boost business. Samoa is currently 21 hours behind Australia, which is one of its biggest trading partners. The change in time zone is due to happen later in 2011.

サモアの太平洋諸島が産業振興を助けるために異なる時間帯に時計を進める計画をしている。 サモアは現在最大の貿易パートナーの一つだあるオーストラリアより21時間遅れている。 この時間帯の変更は今後2011年以内に実施予定である。  


the international dateline:the imaginary line which runs from north to south across the Pacific Ocean, marking the final place where one day ends and the first where a new one begins 日付変更線

same-day business:trading between people or companies which happens on one day 同日取引(?)

traders:here, people who buy and sell fruit and other crops 取引業者

in church:attending a church 教会で礼拝している

into Monday:living in Monday (while it is still Sunday in Samoa) 生活は月曜日となっている

a price to pay:a negative result or consequence 代償

to compensate:to make up for it 補償する

proposition: serious suggestion or suggested course of action 提議(提案より強い)

travel curiosities:surprising or interesting journeys or experiences 旅行での珍しくて面白いこと

anniversaries:here, the day each year when a couple celebrate the date they got married or when their relationship started ここでは、カップルの結婚記念日又は関係が始まった日