

Inventor of show business machine dies



27 April 2011

Engineer Hubert Schlafly Jr, inventor of a machine that changed show business forever, has died aged 91. The teleprompter or autocue, used by actors, newsreaders and politicians worldwide, helps them remember what to say.

ショービジネスを変えた機器の発明家、エンジニアのヒュバート・シュラーフ・ジュニア、が91歳で亡くなっていた。 世界中の俳優、ニュースアナウンサー、及び政治家が使うテレプロンプター又はオートキューは彼らに言うべきことを思い出すのを助けてくれる。


that sick feeling:extreme nervousness, a sense of approaching disaster

half a century ago:50 years previously

stars of the moment:celebrities who were most popular at the time 当時の知名人

lines:words that are said during a film, play or speech 台詞など

a scroll of paper:a roll of writing material

glance at:quickly look at

soap opera:regular TV or radio programme telling the story of a group of people in a dramatic or sentimental way メロドラマ

relying on:depending on, needing, trusting

induction into:introduction to, inclusion as a new member of 紹介

innovative:creative, original 革新的