

22 April 2011
Jury selection for Jackson's doctor.



People who could become panel members in the trial of Michael Jackson's personal doctor are being asked unusual questions to find a fair group. Dr Murray says he did not kill the pop star with a lethal dose of a sleeping drug.

マイケルジャクソンの家庭医の裁判で陪審員になることができる人々が公平なグループを見つけるために異例の質問をされようとしている。 マーレイ医師はその流行歌手を睡眠薬の致死量投与で殺していないと語る。


a fan: a person who admires, supports and follows the life and work of someone else

potential jurors: people who may possibly become members of the panel in a legal case which decides on innocence or guilt 陪審員候補(ですね)

comeback tour: a series of shows or concerts which takes place a long time after the last one

would-be: possible, might become

status: position, importance, standing

deal with: handle, manage, cope with

media scrutiny: inspection, examination and enquiries about background information by journalists メディア精査

undoubtedly: definitely, certainly, without question

denies: says it is not true

anaesthetic: a substance which makes people fall into an extremely deep sleep so that they are unaware of where they are and are unable to feel pain 麻酔薬



get away with:〈よくないこと〉を罰せられないで[見つからずに]やりおおす