English follows the Japanese.


















私、郑恺さん、大好きなんですよ!中国の俳優にしては珍しく背は低いのですが、男気があるかっこよさがあって・・・。(はい、私、K-pop系の"きれい”な男性、苦手です。)でも、井戸田さん、正直、あまり良いイメージないんですよね。だから、この二人が似ていると気がついたとき、正直、ショックでした。爆  笑



  • 英語名:Ryan
  • 出身地:上海
  • 職業:俳優。歌も上手で、バラエティー番組にもよく出ている。
  • 2020年、同国の女優と結婚。2児の父。
  • 中国で、主演映画の"前任3: 再见前任(The Ex-File 3: The Return of the Exes)”が"Star Wars: The Last Jedi"のopening weekendの収入を抜いて、堂々と一位になりました!
    • 私もStar Warsシリーズよりこちらの映画の方が好きです。
    • この映画は、ちょっとR指定の匂いがするラブ・コメディーなので、お子さん(特にティーネージャー!)がいる時は避けて!てへぺろ
Japanese comedian, Jun IDODA of Speed Wagon, and a model, Ami HACHIYA just got married.


I have been thinking for a long time ...
Don't Jun Idoda and Chinese actor, ZHENG Kai look-alike?!
(See above for Idoda's picture. For Zheng Kai's picture, please search on the Internet.)

I like Zheng. Unlike many Chinese actors, he is on a short side, but he is still good-looking! てへぺろ However, I do not have a good image of Idoda so when I realized that Idoda and Zheng look similar, I was devestated. えーん

Here is a brief profile of Zheng Kai.
  • English Name: Ryan
  • Born: Shanghai, China
  • Job: Actor. He also sings, and appears in many variety shows (e.g. Keep Running)
  • Family: Married to a Chinese actress, Miao Miao. Has 2 kids.
  • His starring movie,  "The Ex-File 3: The Return of the Exes(前任3: 再见前任)” beat "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"'s opening weekend at the box office in China.
    • I had a chance to see "The Ex-File 3: The Return of the Exes" on an airplane. (I watched it with English subtitle so I understood everything! てへぺろ) I loved it! It is a chick-movie with an adult-taste twist, if you catch my drift. I would not recommend to watch it with your kids, even or especially with teenagers! (I watched it when my kids were sleeping. 爆  笑