Results 結果
Fructose rescue breast cancer cells from glucose deficiency-induced cell death.

In order to survive in glucose-deficiency environment, cancer cells may use substitutive nutrients to support their proliferation.

Given the above thought, common materials (fructose, ribose, pyruvate and amino acids) for cell survival were selected to detect if these nutrients in high dose could rescue cancer cells in glucose-deficiency medium.

Two breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, were cultured in the glucose-free medium that was supplemented with fructose, ribose, pyruvate or amino acids respectively.

To our surprise, the results showed that fructose could robustly rescue both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231from cell death induced by glucose deficiency, compared to other nutrients (Figure.1A and 1B).

In addition, fructose could promote cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner(0,1,2,3,5,10 mM) in the condition of glucose deprivation.
加えて、果糖は、ブドウ糖欠乏の状態で、用量依存的に(0,1,2,3,5,10 mM)細胞増殖を促進する可能性があった

Furthermore, these cancer cells had similar growth rate in the glucose-free medium supplemented with 10 mM of fructose and in the complete medium containing 25mM glucose( Figs.1C and 1D).

These data suggest that fructose is a potential energy source for cancer cells suffering from glycose insufficiency.


Fructose does not support proliferation of non-rumor cells.

Unlike glucose that was universally employed by all cells, fructose was mainly metabolized in the liver .
[Microarray analysis of gene expression in liver, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in response to chronic dietary administration of NDGA to high-fructose fed dyslipidemic rats.
Nutr Metab(Lond).2016 Sep 29;13:63.]

Therefore, we next tested whether non-tumor cells could proliferate upon supplement of fructose in the absence of glucose.

Three non-tumor cell lines, mouse 3T3, human HBL100 and MCF-10A, and three breast cancer cell lines, mouse 4T1, and human MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, were cultured in the glucose-free medium supplemented with 10 mM of fructose.
3つの非腫瘍細胞株、マウス3T3, ヒトHBL100, MCF-10Aと3つの乳癌細胞株, マウス4T1, ヒトMCF-7, MDA-MB-231を、10mM果糖を補充した無ブドウ糖培地で培養した

Consistent with the forenamed results (Fig.1), breast cancer cells proliferated well in the presence of fructose (Figs. 2A-2C).

By contrast, our results showed that fructose did not support proliferation of non-tumor cells (Figs. 2D–2F).

Therefore, breast cancer cells appear to obtain additional ability to utilize fructose, compared to their normal counterparts.

Fructose and glucose exert similar effects on proliferation of breast cancer cells.

Here we investigated the efficiency of fructose as a substitute for glucose in supporting breast cancer cell proliferation.

First, we measured the growth rate of 4T1 and MCF-7 cells cultured in the media supplemented with the same concentrations (3, 5, 10 mM) of glucose or fructose respectively.
まず、ブドウ糖または果糖を各々同じ濃度(3, 5, 10 mM)で補充の媒質で培養した4T1とMCF-7細胞の成長率を測定した

As shown in Figs. 3A and 3B, glucose and fructose at each concentration displayed the similar effects on cell proliferation of 4T1 and MCF-7 at different times (24 h and 48 h).
Figs. 3Aと3Bで示したように、各濃度のブドウ糖と果糖は、各々の時間(24時間と48時間)で、4T1とMCF-7の細胞増殖において、同じ増殖効果を提示した

Next, the effects of fructose and glucose on the two-dimensional colony formation of 4T1 and MCF-7 cells were compared in the same condition.
次に4T1と MCF-7 細胞の二次元コロニー形成においての果糖とブドウ糖を同じ条件で比較した

As shown in Figs. 3C and 3D, these cells showed the similar colony formation abilities in the medium supplemented with glucose or fructose.
Figs. 3Cと3Dで示したように、これらの細胞はブドウ糖または果糖で補充した培地で同じコロニー形成能力を示した

Finally, wound healing test was used to investigate whether fructose could promote the capability of migration, and our results showed that fructose supplement had a similar effect on cell migration for 4T1 lines depending on the presence of functional GLUT5(Fig.5A and 5B).

Taken together, our data suggest that fructose is a functional substitute for glucose when glucose is insufficient. 同時に我々のデータは果糖がブドウ糖欠乏時にブドウ糖の機能的代替であることを示唆した

Fructose transport and subsequent metabolism is required for its role in supporting breast cancer cell proliferation.

Glucose transport 5 (GLUT5) is mainly responsible for fructose absorption, and fructokinase (KHK) is a key enzyme involved in fructose catabolism (Fig. 4A)
(Medina Villaamil et al., 2011; Patel et al., 2015b)

To ascertain whether the intracellular catabolism of fructose was required for cancer proliferation, we determined the effects of GLUT5 and KHK on cell proliferation promoted by fructose using shRNA to knockdown GLUT5 or KHK.

Our results showed that knockdown of KHK or GLUT5 significantly inhibited growth of 4T1 and MCF-7 cells in the fructose-containing medium but did not affect cell growth in the glucose-containing medium (Figs. 4B–4E).

These results suggest that the intracellular catabolism is required for its role in supporting breast cancer cell proliferation.

In addition, our results also demonstrated that fructose restored proliferation of HeLa and A549 cell lines depending on the presence of functional GLUT5(Figs.5A and 5B).

Therefore, the effective utilization of fructose could be a ubiquitous feature of cancer cells.

This speculation was further supported by our results that cancer cells including MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, T47D, A549, HeLa, HepG2 and 4T1 displayed obviously higher levels of GLUT5 than those non-tumor cells, such as 293T, MCF-10A, HBL100 and 3T3 (Fig. 5C).
この推測は293T, MCF-10A, HBL100,3T3 のような非腫瘍細胞よりも、MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, T47D, A549, HeLa, HepG2 ,4T1 を含む癌細胞が明らかに高レベルのGLUT5を示した我々の結果によってさらに支持された

Furthermore, we measured the protein levels of GLUT5 in breast cancer tissues and normal counterparts of 10 patients.

Similarly, GLUT5 was also hyper-expressed in tumor tissues compared to their normal counterparts (Fig. 5D).

These observations underline the importance of fructose in the progress of cancers, including breast cancer.