採卵周期の卵胞チェック4回目!4th check of ovarian follicle! | あるOLの不妊治療〜妊娠〜育児の日記 Diary of work & fertility treatments & pregnancy & baby care

あるOLの不妊治療〜妊娠〜育児の日記 Diary of work & fertility treatments & pregnancy & baby care

I believe we can balance fertility treatments/pregnancy with our career. Hoping to share my tips and experiences.





5pm アポ


4pm チェックイン


4:05pm 採血1本




4:40pm 内診








6:10pm 診察











6:40pm 処置室






   注射に入っている 溶解液は2mlだったので、フェリング 150なら溶解液1mlでいいか確認したところOKとのこと。フェリング 300でも溶解液は1mlでいいとのこと!











7:00pm お会計




Today, I went to Reproduction Clinic Tokyo to check the size of ovarian follicle.

As the #of eggs are increasing and the size of eggs are getting larger, I had pain sometimes in my stomach.


My appointment was 5pm and checked in at 4pm.


4:05pm had my blood collected to check the hormone level@blood collection room


4:40pm check the thickness of endometrium and the # of follicles @inspection room

The doctor who examined my uterus was surprised by the # of eggs growing and counted them and said “ABOUT 30”.

I wondered if he/she will miss some eggs during egg collection surgery.


6:10pm Counseling with a doctor

We confirmed the date of egg collection surgery and medicine to take.

-The # of eggs to be collected will be 30, which the size of follicles  are over 10mm.

-The surgery will be conducted 3 days later not 4 days later to prevent the increase of E2 level.

-Need nose spray and HCG injection on 2 days before the surgery day.

-Collection of semen(bring from home or take inside the clinic)

-Confirmed the type of anesthesia (local anesthesia or general anesthesia)

50000Yen will be added if I chose general anesthesia.


6:40pm Received injections and medicines 

Received a schedule from, a memo which I am supposed to care, and following injections and medicines.

-HMG injections(Ferring 150)

-HCG injection

-other medicined to prevent ovulation

The nurse told me I should use only 150ml resolution liquid to prepare the liquid of injection even if I use Ferring 300 or Ferring 150, which I wasn’t advised to do so.

I was planning to have dinner after clinic. Not to forget to take the medicine, I requested her to make a bag for tonight’s medicine. Unfortunately, it turned out she put the medicine for tomorrow into the bag and didn’t put the medicine to take tonight:(

I found this mistake when I checked the medicine with the memo. I always check what other people did, which I learned from my work. And the business skill works well during my infertility treatments.


7:00pm Paid my bill @reception

I always check my bill before paying the bill. However, I was too tired to check the bill today because the waiting hours were too long and it made me really exhausted..