すごい!o(^▽^)o | Doctor Shadow (みく)


What to do if the great J-rock / Visual kei band will visit Russia? Do not miss this event!ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ

With whom had took an example of Die, guitarist of the band Dir en Grey??
Whose songs MUCC performed a cover version??
Yes! This is the legendary D `ERLANGER!

D `ERLANGER - THE LEGEND OF J-ROCK / VISUAL KEI - APRIL 30th, Moscow, club" XO " (。・ω・)ノ゙

Doctor Shadow (みく)

Yesterday gave an interview for Japanese television.
Doctor Shadow (みく)

They were filming a report about Russian Cafekko.
Sakurai-san was very pleased with us. While I do not know when it will show the interview in Japan ..
Doctor Shadow (みく)