
 僕の作品名はBlack and White です。小部屋で白人の少女が隠れていて奥の居間には外から帰ってきた、家族である黒人の幼児が、黒人の豪邸に入ってきています。これは象徴的な場面です。小部屋にcolored only とあります。これはアメリカでは黒人を閉じ込めた黒人専用という黒人への差別の言葉ですね。



 全ての差別は相対的です。LGBTやBlack lives matter運動がありますが、時代やところが変わると、逆になるかもしれないのですよ。



 The World Painting Awards Exhibition is being held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum from today. The exhibition runs from the 2nd to the 8th, with the award ceremony on the 7th. This is the first time for me to participate in the exhibition, and I received the Excellence Award, which is the runner-up grand prize. When I arrived at the venue, I was surprised to see many challenging and high quality paintings. The 150 works in this exhibition were selected from 1,058 paintings.

 The name of my work is “Black and White”. There is a white girl hiding in a small room and in the living room at the back of the house, a family member, a black toddler, has returned from outside and is entering a black mansion. This is a symbolic scene. The small room is COLORED ONLY. This is a term of discrimination against blacks in the United States, that it is for blacks only, with blacks locked in.

 But since South Africa has become a black nation, whites, who are a minority, are also treated in a discriminatory way, just like the discrimination against blacks in the past.

 I used to go to South Africa every other year to teach eye surgery. The driver of the car I hired to transport me was a white man with a college degree. I remember him sighing that in South Africa, blacks are given priority and whites can only be drivers even if they have a college degree.

 All discrimination is relative, there is the LGBT and Black Lives Matter movement, but if times and places change, it could be the other way around.

 If we can understand in this way, I believe that all discrimination comes from a vain misunderstanding, and that all discrimination can be turned into LOVE by understanding.

 Sympathy comes from the Greek words syn (with) and pathos (to suffer), meaning to suffer and feel together as fellow human beings. I believe that mutual understanding leads to mutual love, free from discrimination.

 I put such a message in my paintings. Please come and see my real paintings at the museum site.