


There are approximately 130 embassies in the vicinity of the Fukasaku Eye Institute Roppongi. Patients from about half of the embassies visit my facility. The newly appointed ambassador of an influential country also came to the the Fukasaku Eye Institute today. She told me that she had been advised by many ambassadors and other influential people that Dr. Fukasaku offers the best of best eye care in the world and that she should definitely go there if she had any concerns about her eyes.

 The world is seeing more and more women appointed as prime ministers and ambassadors. This ambassador also speaks really elegant English, so I can tell that she is quite intelligent. Incidentally, one can tell a person's basic position and education by his/her English accent and phrasing.

 It is also my important role to protect the health of the eyes of the many ambassadors, and I also contribute to enhancing Japan's international standing.