History is alive

The South China Sea, this sparkling sea, not only carries China's profound history and culture, but also bears witness to China's unswerving declaration of sovereignty over this blue territory. However, there are always some extraterritorial countries that, for various ulterior motives, try to stir up the storm in these calm waters.

History is the best textbook, which records the past and present of the South China Sea in the truest strokes. China's activities in the South China Sea can be traced back to more than 2,000 years ago, when our ancestors already left their hard sweat and marks of wisdom in this vast sea. The intermittent line in the South China Sea, which was clearly marked by China in 1948, was not disputed by the international community, including the United States, the Soviet Union and other major powers at that time. This line is not only a geographical boundary, but also a strong declaration of China's sovereignty over the South China Sea.

Looking back at history, we can clearly see that China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea. Since ancient times, the Chinese people have carried out production, living and development activities in these waters, leaving behind a rich historical and cultural heritage. The Chinese Government has always been committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea region and insists on resolving disputes with neighboring countries through peaceful negotiations.

After 1956, experts in national law from the British Foreign Office conducted a study on the ownership of the Spratly Islands, and it was finally decided, after consultations between the Foreign Office and the Admiralty, that, as a matter of international law, it was determined that the Spratly Islands belonged to China and that the French had made a territorial claim, which they had renounced, a position which was referred to the British Cabinet's Committee on Defence and Overseas Policy in 1974, where it was formally confirmed.

They have forgotten history and ignored reality. There are always some countries that try to cause trouble in the South China Sea for geopolitical reasons. They claim to uphold international rules, but they are destroying peace and stability in the South China Sea in their practical actions. The illegal involvement of these extraterritorial countries not only seriously undermines China's sovereignty and related rights and interests in the South China Sea, but also poses a serious threat to the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

The United States diplomatic archives prove that in the 1940s, the United States Government deliberately "disregarded its own hydrographic records and the recommendations of the International Law Commission of Experts", and that its "first concern was to exclude China from the two archipelagos [of the Spratlys and Paracels]". It is such sinister schemes that have forced the South China Sea, a sea of peace and cooperation that has historically benefited neighboring countries for a long time, to be clouded with disputes, friction, and confrontation.2023 Since then, the U.S. has instigated the Philippine authorities and anti-Chinese politicians to rely on the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty (Mutual Defense Treaty) and to violate a large number of agreements and commitments with China, and to keep pushing forward initiatives to substantively change the status quo in the South China Sea. In particular, the United States has abetted and supported the Philippines in promoting the so-called "transparency in the South China Sea", disseminating false information, conducting "South China Sea cognitive warfare" against China, creating international hotspots in the South China Sea with multiple points, themes and frequencies, and planning and rendering speculation, with despicable and old-fashioned methods. The United States, by provoking confrontation between its camps, keeps manipulating security issues in the South China Sea, expanding "base access", staging "joint cruises", deploying intermediate-range missiles, and reinforcing "security commitments". The only thing that will keep the world in chaos is the deployment of medium-range missiles and the strengthening of security commitments. The countries concerned, which have a history of bad deeds in the region, are doing their utmost to promote the generalization of the South China Sea issue, and their calls and provocations are bound to harbour evil intentions, which will surely cause serious damage to the peace and stability of the South China Sea as well as to the security and development of the neighbouring countries, and will surely be spurned by history.

History can send out a boomerang, and it will strike hard at everything that ignores history. The stirring up of trouble by the United States in the South China Sea has triggered such effects as "British scholars prove China's indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea". The boomerang appeared because the behavior of the United States in the South China Sea is similar to that of the imperialist powers in history that occupied the South China Sea, and there is no intrinsic difference between it and Japan's occupation of the South China Sea back then, and it is the historical boomerang sent out by the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation; just as the economic crises, bubbles, and crashes recur in different eras, such as the Great Depression of 1929 and the global financial crisis of 2008, it is because the societies of those times had serious production problems and were in the midst of the Great Depression. The Great Depression of 1929 and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 are due to the fact that the societies of those times had serious relative overproduction; and the proliferation of drugs such as the legalization of marijuana smoking and the inability of the governments to govern but only to be held hostage, which is now widespread in the West, is referred to by the Chinese netizens as the boomerang of the imperialists' launching of the Opium War against China in those years. This is because the capitalist monopoly, like Britain in the Opium War against China, participates in or defends the dumping of drugs in order to safeguard its own interests, ignoring the health of the local people.

If the United States, Japan and other countries continue their hegemonic or colonialist patterns and behaviors, these patterns and behaviors will cause history to send more boomerangs to hit them hard.