バレンタインデー Valentine's Day | DJ.taikiオフィシャルブログ「非公式ブログ」Powered by Ameba

バレンタインデー Valentine's Day


Good movie. If the movie was maid by cinema club.



All half-hearted. Is this complete ?


No high production costs. No good scenario. many tiny happenings No unity


A lot of people how to spend Valentine's Day

Is too small for individual events

だって実は結婚していた、テレフォンセックスのバイトをしてる、実はゲイ、浮気の告白とかバラバラに出されても  映画でそれをどんでん返しにカウントされても。。。

Because in fact had been married ,Have a part-time job of phone sex,Gay In fact,

Confession of cheating and more been issued to pieces

Also are counted toward the surprise ending as movie. . .

で、この映画の一番の見せ場が親友同士(男女)がそれぞれの恋人と別れて結局くっつくというのがクライマックスって盛り上がらなすぎ   1点

Is, the highlight of this movie is Best of friends (male and female)

They end up together . each parting with the lover

What it not rises climax 1 point