20 Tips to increase battery life of your laptop Part B

TIP 8. Unwanted sounds:

Try to mute the speaker volume and avoid the use of multimedia software to improve XPS M1710 battery life. In addition, you can avoid sound schemes that are installed which can reduce battery life.

TIP 9. Say no to Screensaver:

For best battery life, turn off the screensaver.

TIP 10. Avoid putting very colorful Themes:

programmed the latest operating system like Windows Vista and Windows 7 come along with generic features such as Aero Glass, "which are user resources. You can be deactivated and can be moved to 'classic look that consume less Dell Inspiron 1520 Battery energy. In Windows Vista / Win 7, click the Desktop and then Preferences and then View Color and Appearance and then, following classic look and the basic Windows GUI. In Windows XP, right click and select Properties, then Display Properties and then select Theme and Windows Classic.

Whereas the operating system like Linux and Macintosh, which are optimized to deliver more powerful Dell Inspiron 11Z battery .

TIP 11. Power Options:

You can check the power management '"energy options available in Control Panel. Both Windows XP, Windows Vista operating system and Windows 7 management has advanced power features that helps you turn off components such as monitor or hard disk for a specific time being. It is also dependent on the selected "layout" for Windows XP operating system in the same window. For example, in Windows XP operating system, you can go to "Power Schemes below order to the maximum battery to select the maximum optimization of the Dell Inspiron 1440 battery .

TIP 12. Use Hibernate mode:

Sometimes we put our laptop on standby, but in such cases, the computer switches off the hard drive and the monitor screen, but the memory is activated, which causes slow down the CPU. This reduces the Dell Inspiron 1525 Battery life. In such cases, the hibernation mode to be applied in the computer, this saves the current state and completely shut down which saves even more energy.

TIP 13.reducir at best, have many programs at once:

One of the main reasons for the reduction of battery life is to work on several programs that puts pressure on the battery and carries the waste of Dell Inspiron 1470 battery energy. Make use of graphics applications aimed at a minimum. If you are working on an application such as spreadsheet that usually takes less energy to play their favorite game. It can also increase battery life by simply opening one or two programs simultaneously.

TIP 14. Use RAM:

RAM, use less of the load in virtual memory, which actually works to the hard drive. If you look, use more RAM leads to more Dell Inspiron 1570 battery power that also increases the savings by cutting all access to the power of observation of hard disk.

ie if you reduce the expense of the ram, you reduce the cost of energy. (This I can control in the Program Manager)

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