米国の国連人権理事会からの離脱に関する偏向報道 | 安濃爾鱒のノート


これは web log ではありません。

 19日、米国の Nikki Haley 国連大使が国務省で、
  《 (親イスラエルの)米国は、
   同理事会 を抜ける、と脅している 》

 米国政府 国務省の公式サイト にある

  "Remarks on the UN Human Rights Council"
というページで、米国政府の主張の全文を読むことができるので、これをちゃんと読んでみれば判るが、米国政府は、確かにイスラエルのことも言っているが、それだけではなく、そもそも、この「『人権理事会』と称しているもの」 (Nikki Haley の言葉では "so-called Human Rights Council") が、その名に相応しい活動をしていないことを非難している。
(コンゴ民主共和国、Venezuela、Iran、Cuba、China の事)

 毎日1回以上 Trump 米大統領・Trump 政権を悪く言う、というノルマでもあるのか?北京に居る「怖い人」のご機嫌を損ないそうなことは言わない、というなのだろうか?



The US has pulled out of the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling it a "cesspool of political bias".
   『政治的偏向の はきだめ』と」




 Meanwhile, the situation on the council has gotten worse, not better. One of our central goals was to prevent the world’s worst human rights abusers from gaining Human Rights Council membership. What happened? In the past year, the Democratic Republic of Congo was elected as a member. The DRC is widely known to have one of the worst human rights records in the world. Even as it was being elected to membership in the Human Rights Council, mass graves continued to be discovered in the Congo.

 Another of our goals was to stop the council from protecting the world’s worst human rights abusers. What happened? The council would not even have a meeting on the human rights conditions in Venezuela. Why? Because Venezuela is a member of the Human Rights Council, as is Cuba, as is China.

 Similarly, the council failed to respond in December and January when the Iranian regime killed and arrested hundreds of citizens simply for expressing their views.

When a so-called Human Rights Council cannot bring itself to address the massive abuses in Venezuela and Iran, and it welcomes the Democratic Republic of Congo as a new member, the council ceases to be worthy of its name. Such a council, in fact, damages the cause of human rights.

   ーーーーー杉浦 憲二 (Sugíura Kenji) ーー sui generis ーーーーー