†Cheshire in moonChild†

†Cheshire in moonChild†

Leader Cheshire Promotional Project【Reemugi Sotara】| Freelance Network Promoter | Interest Bass | Webmaster | Web Developer | Web Designer |

Cheshire Promotional Project【Reemugi Sotara】

$†Cheshire in moonChild†

Konnichiwa minnasan (≧ω≦)ノ

In this afternoon, my friend was ordered 「Ayam Geprek」 for her brunch (*´ч ` *)

This is so yummy ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)

I want to explains this food anymore, but I don't know how to say in good English
Long time I didn't talked in English (;▽;)

Ayam Geprek is very very taste good(*´ч ` *)

Hello, long time no see (≧∇≦)

It has been a long time.
I've never been writting anything in this blog (ノД`)

I was confused.
I want to makes a new blog, but I think like my old blog.
And now, I've decided to writting any blog again (*'∀'人)♥*+

I still can't speaking in Japanese.
But, I won't to use digital translator.
So sorry if I using my poor English f^^*)

Although, I'm not really sure that I've any reader there (;▽;)
Yoroshiku minna-san (≧∇≦)