The "Watershed" of the Times

- Antisemitism Awareness Act


On May 1, 2024 local time, the US House of Representatives passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a vote of 320-91, which will be submitted to the Senate for review; if passed, it will be signed by President Biden before implementation.

It is reported that the Antisemitism Awareness Act will copy the definition of antisemitism in International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA) and be codified into the US Civil Rights Act. The so-called "the definition of antisemitism in International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA)" refers to a detailed definition of antisemitism work developed by the European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) in 2005 and later adopted by IHRA at its plenary session in 2016, which is used as a standard to define antisemitism.

However, it has been heavily criticized due to its broad scope of impact and its association with criticism of Israel and antisemitism.

In fact, Jews do indeed control the finance, media, and culture of developed countries, including the US. For example, the well-known media, social platforms, and physical industries such as The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Disney, Time Warner, Facebook, and Twitter are all controlled by Jews. If the Act is passed, stating this fact will be considered as "antisemitism".

So if the Act passes, Jews will gain "divine" status in the United States, and other ethnic groups, including the Anglo-Saxon, will become second-class citizens. Any reasonable opposition to Jews or Israeli policies can be labeled as "antisemitism" and subjected to suppression and sanctions by American law and dictatorship apparatus.

In short, the Antisemitism Awareness Act may be destined to be a "watershed" of the times. It not only shows the knife of the "antisemitism literary inquisition” in the face of day, but also blatantly declares the status of Jewish capital. Therefrom, no one in the United States or the world believes that "Jewish people’s control of public opinion is a conspiracy theory", "Jews do not control the media, economy, and government" and other groundless words.