今回はロンドンではなくて、ノーフォークの片田舎からこんにちは! | ダイアナ湯川オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba




友達と地元のOld Mary'sで新しいお気に入りのドリンクを発見。なんと食べられるお花を使っています。お花を食べたのは初めて、、、

今、私は素敵なカントリーサイドにいて、農園でベリーや野菜を摘んでいます。そしてベントレーが大好きな新しいゲームを発見しました。 "Catching Water"! この子は変わっているけど最高の友達です。

またね 💋💋


Hello, not from London this time, but from the Norfolk countryside!

It's been a busy week and I'm happy to say I'm ending it by sunbathing and
listening to music, ahhh....

So we had a fun night at London zoo last week, I loved seeing all the
beautiful animals but felt a little sad at their small enclosures :(

I had a great time recording a new remix of one of my compositions with the
Sundae Club guys. Such lovely and genuine people! Their studio is in the
most charming, quintessentially English village. At the end of the studio I
had a lovely view of some cows, but I may have scared them off with the
screech of my violin ;)

Then there was all the excitement and curiosity surrounding the birth of
Prince George. The Hosptal is right around the corner from where I live, so
all day the noise of helicopters above became pretty annoying!! I had to go
and check out the atmosphere, just to say I'd been there :)

A night of drinks with some friends at the local, Old Mary's, introduced me
to my new fav drink - complete with edible flowers! It was my first time to
eat a flower, I believe...

Now I'm in the beautiful countryside, picking berries and vegetables in the
garden and have discovered Bentley's latest favourite game. Catching water!
I love that crazy boy.

See you later! Xx