猛暑のロンドンからこんにちは! | ダイアナ湯川オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba





私の楽曲の一つがイギリスのSundae Clubによってリミックスされています。何日か後にカントリーサイドの彼らのスタジオでレコーディングするのでずっと練習しています。都会を離れて田舎の新鮮な空気を吸うのが大好きです。それに最高に美味しいアイスクリームが彼らのスタジオのあるコッツウォルズで売られているそうです。お家に帰る前に絶対に試さないとね!

ロンドン動物園の夜間ピクニック"London Zoo Lates"に友達と参加する前に私お手製のバナナチョコレート・マフィンを焼きました。初めての夜間ピクニックなので、動物達に会うのが楽しみ!

ダイアナ 💋💋

Hello from the London heatwave!

Well, firstly Bentley is feeling better now... phew! Nothing worse than your
furry friend feeling unwell.

I went to the British Museum this week, which was fantastic. We have so much
in London to explore and because I live here, I don't always make the most
of it. It's easy to take for granted all the wonderful things this city has
to offer us so I have decided to take time out every now and then to just go
out and explore and experience something new. I don't want to miss out on
all that we have!

Recently I've met up with the Leica team in London and I'm excited to be
partnering up with them on an event here in London next month. The message I
want to give with my music runs on a parallel with Leica's philosophy, so
it's a great pairing and I'm happy that we will be working together!

One of my pieces has been remixed by Sundae Club here in the UK, so I've
been practicing it ready to record in their studio in the countryside in a
few days. I love getting out of the city to breath in the fresh country air
and I've also been told the best ice-cream is sold in their area, the
Cotswolds, so I shall definitely be making sure to sample that before I
return home!

Meanwhile, I've just made a batch of my popular banana chocolate muffins
ready for a picnic tonight with some friends before we attend a late night
zoo night at London Zoo! I've never been before, so I'm looking forward to
it and seeing all the animals :)

See you next time!
Diana xx