こんなに続くと思わなかったけど、ロンドンはまたまた素晴らしい天気です!みんなの顔も楽しそう。 | ダイアナ湯川オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba








悲しいことに、私の最愛のミニ・ダックスフンド ”ベントレー” がお腹の調子が悪くて、獣医さんのところに何回も連れて行かなくてはいけませんでした。ベントレーは病院が嫌いなんです。早く回復するように祈って下さいね。



ダイアナ 💋 💋


Hello again!

Well I didn't think I would be saying this but... London is still gloriously
sunny! Talk about smiles on everyone's faces :)

And to second that - Andy Murray won the Tennis! I'm not a big sports fan,
but I do enjoy watching Wimbledon. We watched the final at our friends'
house with a BBQ and we were then all jumping and screaming in front of the
TV as Andy Murray finally became victorious!

My latest food craze is frozen yoghurt. I've found one of the best, yummiest
places to get some "fro yo" and luckily it's not too far from where I live.

Sadly, Bentley, my beloved mini-dachshund fur baby has had a tummy problem
recently and we have had to take him to the vet quite a few times... He's
not a big fan of going there! Please send him get well wishes!

In amongst the sunshine, yogurt and trips to the vet I have been in the
studio working on a specific couple of tracks for a project. More on
this to come...

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer and I am literally counting
down the days for my Japan trip - I can't wait to be back soon!

Diana xx